bugsnag-cocoa copied to clipboard
fatalError message not captured by BugSnag
Describe the bug
Hi there, we are in the process of evaluating BugSnag to switch from Crashlytics.
We use GRDB and sometimes have fatalConversionError
crashes. This crash happens when there is an attempt to read a value from a missing column for instance.
I noticed that Crashlytics populates a crash_info_entry_0
key with data such as this:
/Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxx-gkoktxxwoccurtcsovqddkqarggu/SourcePackages/checkouts/GRDB.swift/GRDB/Core/DatabaseValueConversion.swift:160: Fatal error: could not read Bool from missing column `feature_enabled` (row: [id:"xxx" parent_folder_id:"yyy" lww_parent_folder_id:Data(48 bytes) root_folder_id:"zzz" item_id:"..., sql: `SELECT folder_to_folder_items.*, CASE documents.document_type WHEN 0 THEN pages.thumbnail_tag WHEN 1 THEN problems.thumbnail_tag
I checked GRDB's source and it's using a fatalError with a dynamic message:
func fatalConversionError<T>(
to: T.Type,
from dbValue: DatabaseValue?,
conversionContext: ValueConversionContext?,
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line)
-> Never
to: T.self,
from: dbValue,
conversionContext: conversionContext),
file: file,
line: line)
We can't see the error message in BugSnag
I noticed there was this old PR fixing fatalError reporting https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-cocoa/pull/948 and https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-cocoa/pull/1010 I'm wondering if something's changed in the swift runtime that might have broken this.
- Bugsnag version: v6.29.0
- iOS/tvOS/macOS version(s): iOS 17.5.1
- Simulator or physical device: Physical device
- Xcode version: Xcode 15.4
- Swift version: 5.10