jsonparser copied to clipboard
package github.com/buger/jsonparser is not a main package
I'm finding this problem when i run "go install github.com/buger/jsonparser@latest" in my terminal, could someone help?
I'm using, GoLang 1.18 and the vscode terminal up there /\ and the regular windows terminal / right bellow
when i try to import this msgs appears
thanks for the time and help, nice day for everyone
jsonparser does not have any executable. So instead of go install
you should use go get
jsonparser does not have any executable. So instead of
go install
you should usego get
Thanks for reply, i think it's cause the new version, look what i got when trying go get
i've been in go get before this on go install erros in go get, just forgot to say before
have u tried into the 1.18 version? thanks for the time, have a nice day
Have you tried creating go.mod like described here? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74921148/cant-install-a-go-module-using-get-u-and-install Was able to get the package this way