Dániel Buga

Results 96 comments of Dániel Buga

> yes but the problem is defmt really hates it when there are multiple potential places where it is implemented, so you probably should implement it in the highest crate...

@bjoernQ do you happen to remember what settings were effective during your july trial?

FWIW the best I could achieve is still an order of magnitude slower than yours. `Average speed: 34.3kB/s KiB/s` I'm not blocked on my display, I'm not bottlenecked by TLS...

Changing the buffer size may be a good idea. There are some details in my firmware that make it difficult to test right now but I'll try and play with...

Well I'm not fighting for this, though I really would like to see a non-`heapless::Vec`-bound "give me the results as an iterator" API eventually. This PR kind of reflects what...

@MabezDev have you been able to find out anything about this? (i.e. if this function is planned to be further restricted or if the relevant team could make it instead...

Noted; I'm a bit swamped right now but if nobody jumps in I will get to this... eventually

espflash is absolutely not correct interpreting `0x40080400` as `_DoubleExceptionVector`. The vectors are `0x40080000 .. 0x40080400`, the upper address is the beginning of [`iram_seg`](https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-hal/blob/9a95c0aa880af7271f059797339bf890d2d59c64/esp-hal/ld/esp32/memory.x#L18). I think addr2line in espflash is just...

> But that's not really what the issue is about - how can we improve the results of addr2line? We already added a check if an address is in the...

I still wouldn't consider this issue solved, but cc https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-wifi/pull/313 especially https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-wifi/pull/313/commits/43a4cecaf18668526632f7c759030db710108043 Speaking of the overflowing timeout checks, I'm not sure I got all places where this could pose an...