filet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
filet copied to clipboard

A fucking fucking fast file fucker


A fucking fucking fast file fucker (a so called fufufafifu)



filet. Done.

Optionally give it a directory to open like this filet <dir>.

Also you can use the following snippet to automatically switch to the directory you quit in.

f() {
    filet "$@"
    cd "$(< /tmp/filet_dir)"

You can set FILET_OPENER to a program to open files with. This defaults to xdg-open.


You can install filet from the following repositories:

Repo Name
AUR filet-git
nixpkgs filet


Building filet yourself is pretty straight forward.

  1. Install 0 dependencies
  2. make

To install it you can use make install.


             -     =    .--._
       - - ~_=  =~_- = - `.  `-.
     ==~_ = =_  ~ -   =  .-'    `.
   --=~_ - ~  == - =   .'      _..:._
  ---=~ _~  = =-  =   `.  .--.'      `.
 --=_-=- ~= _ - =  -  _.'  `.      .--.:
   -=_~ -- = =  ~-  .'      :     :    :
    -=-_ ~=  = - _-`--.     :  .--:    D
      -=~ _=  =  -~_=  `;  .'.:   ,`---'@
    --=_= = ~-   -=   .'  .'  `._ `-.__.'
   --== ~_ - =  =-  .'  .'     _.`---'
  --=~_= = - = ~  .'--''   .   `-..__.--.
 jgs--==~ _= - ~-=  =-~_-   `-..___(  ===;
 --==~_==- =__ ~-=  - -    .'       `---'


Key Function
j/k Move up/down
h Leave directory
l Enter directory/open file
~ Move to home
/ Move to root
. Toggle dotfile visibility
g Select first item
G Select last item
r Reload directory
e Edit with $EDITOR
s Spawn $SHELL in current directory
m Mark item as selected
x Delete selected items
q Quit