protoc-gen-validate copied to clipboard
Unable to build validators "failed post-processing: 6:1: expected 'IDENT', found 'import'"
Created an example.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package examplepb;
import "validate/validate.proto";
option go_package= "rbac_proto/";
message Person {
uint64 id = 1 [(validate.rules) = 999];
string email = 2 [(validate.rules) = true];
string name = 3 [(validate.rules).string = {
pattern: "^[^[0-9]A-Za-z]+( [^[0-9]A-Za-z]+)*$",
max_bytes: 256,
Location home = 4 [(validate.rules).message.required = true];
message Location {
double lat = 1 [(validate.rules).double = { gte: -90, lte: 90 }];
double lng = 2 [(validate.rules).double = { gte: -180, lte: 180 }];
And running the command in gives the following error.
protoc \
-I . \
-I ${GOPATH}/src \
-I ${GOPATH}/src/ \
--go_out=":../generated" \
--validate_out="lang=go:../generated" \
[error] failed post-processing: 6:1: expected 'IDENT', found 'import'
--validate_out: protoc-gen-validate: Plugin failed with status code 1.
> go version
go version go1.18.2 darwin/arm64
> protoc --version
libprotoc 3.19.4
Please let me know if more information is required.
Ran into this bug as well, appears that the option go_package
including a trailing /
is the problem. We were able to fix this by switching to an equivalent ./rbac_proto