protoc-gen-validate copied to clipboard
How do I set the language of error messages ?
In my project, I want to set the error message to Chinese.I use kratos validator middleware Here's the code:
// Validator is a validator middleware.
func Validator() middleware.Middleware {
return func(handler middleware.Handler) middleware.Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (reply interface{}, err error) {
if v, ok := req.(validator); ok {
if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.BadRequest("VALIDATOR", err.Error())
return handler(ctx, req)
I don't want to change the source code of,what should I do. Now, I handled it myself.
if err := req.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, pb.ErrorParamError("参数错误")
But I don't think this is the best way
我有一个方法,你clone 一份最新的PGV,在模板里面把错误都改成中文,然后再make build 就可以了