TFMini-Plus copied to clipboard
Setting precision to mm
I have been trying to change the precision of the device's reads but have been unsuccessful.
The TFMPlus.h file includes a line (137) with the definition for STANDARD_FORMAT_MM assigned to a certain hexadecimal value. This is next to other commands like SET_FRAME_RATE (with its corresponding hexadecimal value) that are used with the sendCommand() function in the TFMPlus.cpp, but said function works for the following commands: SET_FRAME_RATE SET_BAUD_RATE OBTAIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION SYSTEM_RESET RESTORE_FACTORY_SETTINGS SAVE_SETTINGS and the change of format is not implemented here.
I would like to be able to fix this but I don't have enough knowledge and the warning of causing the device to be unresponsive prevents me from changing some things.
As far as I understand it should follow the commented steps in the function:
bool TFMPlus::sendCommand( uint32_t cmnd, uint32_t param)
// Step 1 - Build the command data to send to the device
if( cmnd == STANDARD_FORMAT_MM) // If the command is Standard Format MM...
memcpy( &cmndData[ 3], &param, X); // add the X byte Standard Format parameter.
// 3 is the array position for the example I copied (SET_FRAME_RATE)
// but maybe in this case is different. I don't know X either.
// Step 2 - Send the command data array to the device
// Step 3 - Get command reply data back from the device.
// Step 4 - Perform a checksum test.
// Step 5 - Interpret different command responses.
// Step 6 - Set READY status and go home
I assume steps 2, 4 and 6 should stay the same, but don't know if this command generates a reply or not (steps 3 and 5). At the moment there is not much more I can do.
Anyway, thank you for the library!
The two formatting commands do not require a parameter, so the param
byte is set to 0.
In the included example sketch, the command would look like this:
tfmP.sendCommand( STANDARD_FORMAT_MM, 0))
Both formatting commands return only an echo of the command. They do not return a pass/fail bit or other useful information. Therefor, the library only examines the reply for a correct checksum byte.
// The library 'sendCommand( cmnd, param)' function
// defines a command (cmnd) in the the following format:
// 0x 00 00 00 00
// one byte command command reply
// payload number length length
#define SET_FRAME_RATE 0x00030606 // These commands each return
#define SET_BAUD_RATE 0x00060808 // an echo of the command
#define STANDARD_FORMAT_CM 0x01050505 // "
#define PIXHAWK_FORMAT 0x02050505 // "
#define STANDARD_FORMAT_MM 0x06050505 // "
Please bear in mind that what you call "precision" is only how the data is formatted. The accuracy (±5cm) and resolution (±5mm) of the device do not change.
I hope this is helpful. I'm not sure of your question, so please let me know if there is anything more I can add.
Bud Ryerson San Francisco
Thank you very much for replying so quick! I changed it and worked as expected, the measures had an extra digit for milimetres, just needed to change the printf as having an extra cipher wouldn't show measures with 5 digits (measures over 10 m = 1000 cm = 10000 mm) and the text printing "mm" instead of "cm". I will put this as a pull request in case you want to add it to the library (more as a concept than an a good code). Again thank you.
Bernat Valencia