
Results 42 issues of buckle2000

please support ime as it is important to i18n. currently ime is always on on flash target, but off on others. there is no way to control the status of...

😎 Type: Enhancement

I looked through all the files including tests (actually they don't even work) but I still don't know how to use this. Please add more useful infomation for how to...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10850402/30069304-f5fd6dae-9292-11e7-804b-e9861a6b903d.png) Please override them by using ``` input, textarea { ... } ``` Thanks

Currently, `nc -l -p 1234 -c cowsay Hello` runs `/bin/sh cowsay Hello`. It should be `/bin/sh -c 'cowsay Hello'`.

I mean this thing: ![default](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10850402/48976146-3a85ed80-f047-11e8-90db-121b09398789.png) TOC should be available at the start of the page. TOC should be selected by the first Tab for accessibility's sake.

![default](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10850402/48976091-fb0ad180-f045-11e8-8c2e-08635a6a1c2a.png) https://ncase.me/remember/ This is asking me whether I want to switch to another language. However, if I don't understand that language, which button should I choose? Which one means "no"?

the only output is `[Finished in 0.1s]` nothing happens then

if you enter `elseif` and then put condition after it, it will be indented one more then corresponding `if`.

Here is a list of time-related operators in [RxJS](http://reactivex.io/rxjs/class/es6/Observable.js~Observable.html) - audit/auditTime - bufferTime - debounce/debounceTime - delay - delayWhen - sampleTime - timeout/timeoutWith - timeInterval - throttle/throttleTime - sample/sampleTime -...

help wanted

I am too lazy to press `Ctrl+S` before `F5`(build). Seems like `Haxe: Build` is not based on sublime text's own build system, so I can't help myself. How to enable...