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same_schema gets confused if constraints are not uniquely named
If I have different constraints for two tables, but they have the same name, the --same_schema action will mix them up between the two databases (especially if one database is v. 8.4.x and the other database is v. 9.2.x):
EXAMPLE 1: Constraint "public.min_password_length_check": "conkey" is different: Database 1: {2} Database 2: {6} "consrc" is different: Database 1: (length((join_password)::text) >= 4) Database 2: (length((enrollment_password)::text) >= 4) "tname" is different: Database 1: table_1 Database 2: table_2
-- table_1 definition:
Table "public.table_1"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null
join_password | character varying(12) | not null
lock_prefs | boolean | not null default false
lock_dates | boolean | not null default false
lock_info | boolean | not null default false
allow_sec_assign | boolean | not null default true
lock_s_view_reports | boolean | not null default false
"table_1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Check constraints:
"min_password_length_check" CHECK (length(join_password::text) >= 4)
Foreign-key constraints:
-- table_2 definition:
Table "public.table_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval(('table_2_id_seq'::text)::regclass)
class_type | smallint | not null
title | character varying(100) | not null
class_number | character varying(50) |
description | character varying(1000) |
enrollment_password | character varying(12) | not null
state_flag | smallint | not null default 10
date_lastmodified | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
date_setup | timestamp with time zone | not null default ('now'::text)::date
date_start | timestamp with time zone | not null
date_end | timestamp with time zone | not null
term_length | interval | not null default '5 years'::interval
remoteaddr | inet | not null
class_homepage_name | character varying(50) |
class_homepage_url | character varying(200) |
max_file_size | integer | not null default 20971520
max_paper_length | integer | not null default 1000000
grading_scale_slot | smallint | not null default 0
scale_owner | integer |
products_enabled | integer | not null default 1535
s_view_reports | boolean | not null default false
s_submit_topics | boolean | not null default true
account | integer | not null
user | integer |
drop_lowest_grade | boolean | not null default false
source | smallint | not null default 0
s_view_user_email | boolean | not null default true
max_portfolio_file_size | integer |
native_locked | boolean | not null default false
"table_2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"table_2_account_idx" btree (account)
"table_2_user_idx" btree (user)
Check constraints:
"min_password_length_check" CHECK (length(enrollment_password::text) >= 4)
Constraint "public.$1":
"confdeltype" is different:
Database 1: a
Database 2:
"conffeqop" is different:
Database 1: {96}
Database 2:
"confkey" is different:
Database 1: {1}
Database 2:
"confmatchtype" is different:
Database 1: u
Database 2:
"confupdtype" is different:
Database 1: a
Database 2:
"conkey" is different:
Database 1: {2}
Database 2: {2,3}
"conpfeqop" is different:
Database 1: {96}
Database 2:
"conppeqop" is different:
Database 1: {96}
Database 2:
"consrc" is different:
Database 1:
Database 2: (start_date <= end_date)
"contype" is different:
Database 1: f
Database 2: c
"tname" is different:
Database 1: table_3
Database 2: table_4
--table_3 definition:
Table "public.table_3"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('table_3_id_seq'::regclass)
source | integer | not null
reader | integer | not null
grading_group | integer |
grade | smallint |
score | smallint |
read_comment | text |
read_type | integer | not null
date_submitted | timestamp with time zone |
duration | interval | default '00:00:00'::interval
delete_flag | boolean | not null default false
outlying | boolean | not null default false
needs_arbiter | boolean | not null default false
summary | text |
last_saved | timestamp with time zone | default now()
date_created | timestamp with time zone | default now()
pm_review_set | integer | not null default (-1)
last_gm_version | character varying(10) | not null default 'abc2'::character varying
user_view_first | timestamp with time zone |
user_view_last | timestamp with time zone |
user_view_count | integer |
updated_via_ios | boolean | default false
--table_4 definition:
Table "public.table_4"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('table_4_id_seq'::regclass)
start_date | timestamp without time zone | not null default ('now'::text)::date
end_date | timestamp without time zone | not null
priority | smallint | not null
account_types | smallint | not null
platform | smallint | not null
content | text | not null
max_views | smallint | not null default 1
type | integer | not null default 1
header | text |
link_url | text |