text2svg copied to clipboard
🍄 Convert text to svg path.
你好,我最近在 .load() function 中输入 https request 的时候出现报错,但在 opentype library 中此问题已在 loadurl 中被修复,所以更新了 opentype 的版本,希望你能通过。
Hello, As you can see, the generated SVG content letters are divided, but not expected so. They are also LTR not right to left. **Expected preview:** فونت وزیرمتن در اس...
hi I tried to npm install with webpack and after making webpack.config.js if i run webpack command i get error for not resolving the dependency require('fs') in /node_modules/text2svg/index.js could someone...
如题,求助大神怎样生成多行文本svg path?