deeplabv3-plus-pytorch copied to clipboard
import os
import random
# -------------------------------------------------------#
# 指向VOC数据集所在的文件夹
# 默认指向根目录下的VOC数据集
# -------------------------------------------------------#
cityscapes_path = 'data/cityscapes'
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Generate txt in ImageSets.")
# 彩色分割图的路径
segfilepath = os.path.join(cityscapes_path, 'SegmentationClass')
# 保存训练集和验证集图像名称的txt文件的位置
saveBasePath = os.path.join(cityscapes_path, 'ImageSets/Segmentation')
citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'train'))
temp_train_seg = []
for city in citys:
temp_train_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'train/'+ city))
total_train_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名
for seg in temp_train_seg:
if seg.endswith("color.png"):
tr = len(total_train_seg)
# 打印大小
print("train size", tr)
# 四个要写入内容的txt文件
ftrain = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'train.txt'), 'w')
for i in total_train_seg:
# 把文件名后缀.png去掉
name = i[:-16] + '\n'
# 分别写入
citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'val'))
temp_val_seg = []
for city in citys:
temp_val_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'val/' + city))
total_val_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名
for seg in temp_val_seg:
if seg.endswith("color.png"):
tv = len(total_val_seg)
# 打印大小
print("val size", tv)
# 四个要写入内容的txt文件
fval = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'val.txt'), 'w')
for i in total_val_seg:
# 把文件名后缀.png去掉
name = i[:-16] + '\n'
# 分别写入
citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'test'))
temp_test_seg = []
for city in citys:
temp_test_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'test/' + city))
total_test_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名
for seg in temp_test_seg:
if seg.endswith("color.png"):
ts = len(total_test_seg)
# 打印大小
print("test size", ts)
# 四个要写入内容的txt文件
ftest = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'test.txt'), 'w')
for i in total_test_seg:
# 把文件名后缀.png去掉
name = i[:-16] + '\n'
# 分别写入
print("Generate txt in ImageSets done.")
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from import Dataset
from utils.utils import preprocess_input, cvtColor
# 在测试的时候要改一下这个,并改一下根目录。还没找到解决方法
# from utils import preprocess_input, cvtColor
class DeeplabDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, annotation_lines, input_shape, num_classes, train, dataset_path):
super(DeeplabDataset, self).__init__()
self.annotation_lines = annotation_lines
self.length = len(annotation_lines)
self.input_shape = input_shape
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.train = train
self.dataset_path = dataset_path
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __getitem__(self, index):
annotation_line = self.annotation_lines[index]
name = annotation_line.split()[0]
# -------------------------------#
# 从文件中读取图像
# -------------------------------#
city = name.split('_')[0]
if self.train:
jpg =, "JPEGImages/train/"+city), name + "leftImg8bit.png"))
png =, "SegmentationClass/train/"+city), name + "gtFine_labelTrainIds.png"))
jpg =, "JPEGImages/val/"+city), name + "leftImg8bit.png"))
png =, "SegmentationClass/val/"+city), name + "gtFine_labelTrainIds.png"))
# -------------------------------#
# 数据增强
# -------------------------------#
jpg, png = self.get_random_data(jpg, png, self.input_shape, random=self.train)
# 把通道数放到前面来
jpg = np.transpose(preprocess_input(np.array(jpg, np.float64)), [2, 0, 1])
png = np.array(png)
# 把标签图像中大于类别数的像素数都置为最大像素数
# cityscepes的数字是0 1 2 ... 18 255 255是白色,是要忽略的类,这里给变成19了
# 所以编号为19的就是要忽略的类
png[png >= self.num_classes] = self.num_classes
# -------------------------------------------------------#
# 转化成one_hot的形式
# 在这里需要+1是因为voc数据集有些标签具有白边部分
# 我们需要将白边部分进行忽略,+1的目的是方便忽略。
# -------------------------------------------------------#
# 给每个像素的ID都搞成one-hot编码,行数就是图像长*宽,列数就是num_calsses+1
# 本来应该是19类,就是19列,但是这里多了一个要忽略的类,所以就是20列
seg_labels = np.eye(self.num_classes + 1)[png.reshape([-1])]
# 编码是厚度
seg_labels = seg_labels.reshape((int(self.input_shape[1]), int(self.input_shape[0]), self.num_classes + 1))
return jpg, png, seg_labels
def rand(self, a=0, b=1):
return np.random.rand() * (b - a) + a
def get_random_data(self, image, label, input_shape, jitter=.3, hue=.1, sat=1.5, val=1.5, random=True):
image = cvtColor(image)
label = Image.fromarray(np.array(label))
h, w = input_shape
if not random:
iw, ih = image.size
scale = min(w / iw, h / ih)
nw = int(iw * scale)
nh = int(ih * scale)
image = image.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC)
new_image ='RGB', [w, h], (128, 128, 128))
new_image.paste(image, ((w - nw) // 2, (h - nh) // 2))
label = label.resize((nw, nh), Image.NEAREST)
new_label ='L', [w, h], (0))
new_label.paste(label, ((w - nw) // 2, (h - nh) // 2))
return new_image, new_label
# resize image
rand_jit1 = self.rand(1 - jitter, 1 + jitter)
rand_jit2 = self.rand(1 - jitter, 1 + jitter)
new_ar = w / h * rand_jit1 / rand_jit2
scale = self.rand(0.25, 2)
if new_ar < 1:
nh = int(scale * h)
nw = int(nh * new_ar)
nw = int(scale * w)
nh = int(nw / new_ar)
image = image.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC)
label = label.resize((nw, nh), Image.NEAREST)
flip = self.rand() < .5
if flip:
image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
label = label.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# place image
dx = int(self.rand(0, w - nw))
dy = int(self.rand(0, h - nh))
new_image ='RGB', (w, h), (128, 128, 128))
new_label ='L', (w, h), (0))
new_image.paste(image, (dx, dy))
new_label.paste(label, (dx, dy))
image = new_image
label = new_label
# distort image
hue = self.rand(-hue, hue)
sat = self.rand(1, sat) if self.rand() < .5 else 1 / self.rand(1, sat)
val = self.rand(1, val) if self.rand() < .5 else 1 / self.rand(1, val)
x = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image, np.float32) / 255, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
x[..., 0] += hue * 360
x[..., 0][x[..., 0] > 1] -= 1
x[..., 0][x[..., 0] < 0] += 1
x[..., 1] *= sat
x[..., 2] *= val
x[x[:, :, 0] > 360, 0] = 360
x[:, :, 1:][x[:, :, 1:] > 1] = 1
x[x < 0] = 0
image_data = cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) * 255
return image_data, label
# DataLoader中collate_fn使用
def deeplab_dataset_collate(batch):
images = []
pngs = []
seg_labels = []
for img, png, labels in batch:
images = np.array(images)
pngs = np.array(pngs)
seg_labels = np.array(seg_labels)
return images, pngs, seg_labels
if __name__ == "__main__":
cityscapes_path = '../data/cityscapes'
input_shape = [384, 384]
num_classes = 19
with open(os.path.join(cityscapes_path, "ImageSets/Segmentation/train.txt"),"r") as f:
train_lines = f.readlines()
train_dataset = DeeplabDataset(train_lines, input_shape, num_classes, True, cityscapes_path)
import os import random ''' 用来生成imageset下的内容,主要是保存原图和标注图像重合的那部分文件名 ''' # -------------------------------------------------------# # 指向VOC数据集所在的文件夹 # 默认指向根目录下的VOC数据集 # -------------------------------------------------------# cityscapes_path = 'data/cityscapes' if __name__ == "__main__": random.seed(0) print("Generate txt in ImageSets.") # 彩色分割图的路径 segfilepath = os.path.join(cityscapes_path, 'SegmentationClass') # 保存训练集和验证集图像名称的txt文件的位置 saveBasePath = os.path.join(cityscapes_path, 'ImageSets/Segmentation') ################################################################################################## citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'train')) temp_train_seg = [] for city in citys: temp_train_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'train/'+ city)) total_train_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名 for seg in temp_train_seg: if seg.endswith("color.png"): total_train_seg.append(seg) tr = len(total_train_seg) # 打印大小 print("train size", tr) # 四个要写入内容的txt文件 ftrain = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'train.txt'), 'w') for i in total_train_seg: # 把文件名后缀.png去掉 name = i[:-16] + '\n' # 分别写入 ftrain.write(name) ftrain.close() ############################################################################################## citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'val')) temp_val_seg = [] for city in citys: temp_val_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'val/' + city)) total_val_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名 for seg in temp_val_seg: if seg.endswith("color.png"): total_val_seg.append(seg) tv = len(total_val_seg) # 打印大小 print("val size", tv) # 四个要写入内容的txt文件 fval = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'val.txt'), 'w') for i in total_val_seg: # 把文件名后缀.png去掉 name = i[:-16] + '\n' # 分别写入 fval.write(name) fval.close() ################################################################################################### citys = os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'test')) temp_test_seg = [] for city in citys: temp_test_seg += os.listdir(os.path.join(segfilepath, 'test/' + city)) total_test_seg = [] # 所有的训练分割图的文件名 for seg in temp_test_seg: if seg.endswith("color.png"): total_test_seg.append(seg) ts = len(total_test_seg) # 打印大小 print("test size", ts) # 四个要写入内容的txt文件 ftest = open(os.path.join(saveBasePath, 'test.txt'), 'w') for i in total_test_seg: # 把文件名后缀.png去掉 name = i[:-16] + '\n' # 分别写入 ftest.write(name) ftest.close() print("Generate txt in ImageSets done.")
import os import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from import Dataset from utils.utils import preprocess_input, cvtColor # 在测试的时候要改一下这个,并改一下根目录。还没找到解决方法 # from utils import preprocess_input, cvtColor class DeeplabDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, annotation_lines, input_shape, num_classes, train, dataset_path): super(DeeplabDataset, self).__init__() self.annotation_lines = annotation_lines self.length = len(annotation_lines) self.input_shape = input_shape self.num_classes = num_classes self.train = train self.dataset_path = dataset_path def __len__(self): return self.length def __getitem__(self, index): annotation_line = self.annotation_lines[index] name = annotation_line.split()[0] # -------------------------------# # 从文件中读取图像 # -------------------------------# city = name.split('_')[0] if self.train: jpg =, "JPEGImages/train/"+city), name + "leftImg8bit.png")) png =, "SegmentationClass/train/"+city), name + "gtFine_labelTrainIds.png")) else: jpg =, "JPEGImages/val/"+city), name + "leftImg8bit.png")) png =, "SegmentationClass/val/"+city), name + "gtFine_labelTrainIds.png")) # -------------------------------# # 数据增强 # -------------------------------# jpg, png = self.get_random_data(jpg, png, self.input_shape, random=self.train) # 把通道数放到前面来 jpg = np.transpose(preprocess_input(np.array(jpg, np.float64)), [2, 0, 1]) png = np.array(png) # 把标签图像中大于类别数的像素数都置为最大像素数 # cityscepes的数字是0 1 2 ... 18 255 255是白色,是要忽略的类,这里给变成19了 # 所以编号为19的就是要忽略的类 png[png >= self.num_classes] = self.num_classes # -------------------------------------------------------# # 转化成one_hot的形式 # 在这里需要+1是因为voc数据集有些标签具有白边部分 # 我们需要将白边部分进行忽略,+1的目的是方便忽略。 # -------------------------------------------------------# # 给每个像素的ID都搞成one-hot编码,行数就是图像长*宽,列数就是num_calsses+1 # 本来应该是19类,就是19列,但是这里多了一个要忽略的类,所以就是20列 seg_labels = np.eye(self.num_classes + 1)[png.reshape([-1])] # 编码是厚度 seg_labels = seg_labels.reshape((int(self.input_shape[1]), int(self.input_shape[0]), self.num_classes + 1)) return jpg, png, seg_labels def rand(self, a=0, b=1): return np.random.rand() * (b - a) + a def get_random_data(self, image, label, input_shape, jitter=.3, hue=.1, sat=1.5, val=1.5, random=True): image = cvtColor(image) label = Image.fromarray(np.array(label)) h, w = input_shape if not random: iw, ih = image.size scale = min(w / iw, h / ih) nw = int(iw * scale) nh = int(ih * scale) image = image.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC) new_image ='RGB', [w, h], (128, 128, 128)) new_image.paste(image, ((w - nw) // 2, (h - nh) // 2)) label = label.resize((nw, nh), Image.NEAREST) new_label ='L', [w, h], (0)) new_label.paste(label, ((w - nw) // 2, (h - nh) // 2)) return new_image, new_label # resize image rand_jit1 = self.rand(1 - jitter, 1 + jitter) rand_jit2 = self.rand(1 - jitter, 1 + jitter) new_ar = w / h * rand_jit1 / rand_jit2 scale = self.rand(0.25, 2) if new_ar < 1: nh = int(scale * h) nw = int(nh * new_ar) else: nw = int(scale * w) nh = int(nw / new_ar) image = image.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC) label = label.resize((nw, nh), Image.NEAREST) flip = self.rand() < .5 if flip: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) label = label.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) # place image dx = int(self.rand(0, w - nw)) dy = int(self.rand(0, h - nh)) new_image ='RGB', (w, h), (128, 128, 128)) new_label ='L', (w, h), (0)) new_image.paste(image, (dx, dy)) new_label.paste(label, (dx, dy)) image = new_image label = new_label # distort image hue = self.rand(-hue, hue) sat = self.rand(1, sat) if self.rand() < .5 else 1 / self.rand(1, sat) val = self.rand(1, val) if self.rand() < .5 else 1 / self.rand(1, val) x = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image, np.float32) / 255, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) x[..., 0] += hue * 360 x[..., 0][x[..., 0] > 1] -= 1 x[..., 0][x[..., 0] < 0] += 1 x[..., 1] *= sat x[..., 2] *= val x[x[:, :, 0] > 360, 0] = 360 x[:, :, 1:][x[:, :, 1:] > 1] = 1 x[x < 0] = 0 image_data = cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB) * 255 return image_data, label # DataLoader中collate_fn使用 def deeplab_dataset_collate(batch): images = [] pngs = [] seg_labels = [] for img, png, labels in batch: images.append(img) pngs.append(png) seg_labels.append(labels) images = np.array(images) pngs = np.array(pngs) seg_labels = np.array(seg_labels) return images, pngs, seg_labels if __name__ == "__main__": cityscapes_path = '../data/cityscapes' input_shape = [384, 384] num_classes = 19 with open(os.path.join(cityscapes_path, "ImageSets/Segmentation/train.txt"),"r") as f: train_lines = f.readlines() train_dataset = DeeplabDataset(train_lines, input_shape, num_classes, True, cityscapes_path) train_dataset[1]
可以,我来研究一下0 0
可以,我来研究一下0 0
在训练完50轮冻结训练时,报错oom:0 bytes free
`import onnxruntime as nxrun import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize from skimage import io from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2
image = io.imread("img/street.jpg") image = np.rollaxis(image, 2, 0)
img = resize(image / 255, (3, 512, 512), anti_aliasing=True) f_img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :] f_img = f_img.astype(np.float32)
sess = nxrun.InferenceSession("torch_model2.onnx")
print("The model expects input shape: ", sess.get_inputs()[0].shape)#[1, 3, 512, 512]
input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name result =, {input_name: f_img})`
在训练完50轮冻结训练时,报错oom:0 bytes free
在训练完50轮冻结训练时,报错oom:0 bytes free
`import onnxruntime as nxrun import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize from skimage import io from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2
image = io.imread("img/street.jpg") image = np.rollaxis(image, 2, 0)
img = resize(image / 255, (3, 512, 512), anti_aliasing=True) f_img = img[np.newaxis, :, :, :] f_img = f_img.astype(np.float32)
sess = nxrun.InferenceSession("torch_model2.onnx")
print("The model expects input shape: ", sess.get_inputs()[0].shape)#[1, 3, 512, 512]
input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name result =, {input_name: f_img})`
train.txt文件是要自己生成的,那个annotation.py文件就是用来生成这个txt文件的。我写的和博主的代码是一致的,博主的readme将流程介绍地很清楚。 这就是不用官方划分好的数据,直接将他打乱重新分吗?
train.txt文件是要自己生成的,那个annotation.py文件就是用来生成这个txt文件的。我写的和博主的代码是一致的,博主的readme将流程介绍地很清楚。 这就是不用官方划分好的数据,直接将他打乱重新分吗?
你好,我想请问一下你用这个模型训练cityscapes数据集效果怎么样呢?谢谢 deeplabv3+的性能还是很不错的,只不过cityscapes数据集中的图比较大,要想训练得好需要把原始图像切分后再训练。
你好,我想请问一下你用这个模型训练cityscapes数据集效果怎么样呢?谢谢 deeplabv3+的性能还是很不错的,只不过cityscapes数据集中的图比较大,要想训练得好需要把原始图像切分后再训练。
train.txt文件是要自己生成的,那个annotation.py文件就是用来生成这个txt文件的。我写的和博主的代码是一致的,博主的readme将流程介绍地很清楚。 这就是不用官方划分好的数据,直接将他打乱重新分吗?
请问一下这个精细标签是不是分为19类 我一直没有找对应的类别和rgb值 可以分享一下吗
你好,我想请问一下你用这个模型训练cityscapes数据集效果怎么样呢?谢谢 deeplabv3+的性能还是很不错的,只不过cityscapes数据集中的图比较大,要想训练得好需要把原始图像切分后再训练。
train.txt文件是要自己生成的,那个annotation.py文件就是用来生成这个txt文件的。我写的和博主的代码是一致的,博主的readme将流程介绍地很清楚。 这就是不用官方划分好的数据,直接将他打乱重新分吗?
请问一下这个精细标签是不是分为19类 我一直没有找对应的类别和rgb值 可以分享一下吗
labels = [ # name id trainId category catId hasInstances ignoreInEval color Label( 'unlabeled' , 0 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 0, 0, 0) ), Label( 'ego vehicle' , 1 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 0, 0, 0) ), Label( 'rectification border' , 2 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 0, 0, 0) ), Label( 'out of roi' , 3 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 0, 0, 0) ), Label( 'static' , 4 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 0, 0, 0) ), Label( 'dynamic' , 5 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , (111, 74, 0) ), Label( 'ground' , 6 , 255 , 'void' , 0 , False , True , ( 81, 0, 81) ), Label( 'road' , 7 , 1 , 'flat' , 1 , False , False , (128, 64,128) ), Label( 'sidewalk' , 8 , 2 , 'flat' , 1 , False , False , (244, 35,232) ), Label( 'parking' , 9 , 255 , 'flat' , 1 , False , True , (250,170,160) ), Label( 'rail track' , 10 , 255 , 'flat' , 1 , False , True , (230,150,140) ), Label( 'building' , 11 , 3 , 'construction' , 2 , False , False , ( 70, 70, 70) ), Label( 'wall' , 12 , 4 , 'construction' , 2 , False , False , (102,102,156) ), Label( 'fence' , 13 , 5 , 'construction' , 2 , False , False , (190,153,153) ), Label( 'guard rail' , 14 , 255 , 'construction' , 2 , False , True , (180,165,180) ), Label( 'bridge' , 15 , 255 , 'construction' , 2 , False , True , (150,100,100) ), Label( 'tunnel' , 16 , 255 , 'construction' , 2 , False , True , (150,120, 90) ), Label( 'pole' , 17 , 6 , 'object' , 3 , False , False , (153,153,153) ), Label( 'polegroup' , 18 , 255 , 'object' , 3 , False , True , (153,153,153) ), Label( 'traffic light' , 19 , 7 , 'object' , 3 , False , False , (250,170, 30) ), Label( 'traffic sign' , 20 , 8 , 'object' , 3 , False , False , (220,220, 0) ), Label( 'vegetation' , 21 , 9 , 'nature' , 4 , False , False , (107,142, 35) ), Label( 'terrain' , 22 , 10 , 'nature' , 4 , False , False , (152,251,152) ), Label( 'sky' , 23 , 11 , 'sky' , 5 , False , False , ( 70,130,180) ), Label( 'person' , 24 , 12 , 'human' , 6 , True , False , (220, 20, 60) ), Label( 'rider' , 25 , 13 , 'human' , 6 , True , False , (255, 0, 0) ), Label( 'car' , 26 , 14 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , ( 0, 0,142) ), Label( 'truck' , 27 , 15 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , ( 0, 0, 70) ), Label( 'bus' , 28 , 16 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , ( 0, 60,100) ), Label( 'caravan' , 29 , 255 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , True , ( 0, 0, 90) ), Label( 'trailer' , 30 , 255 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , True , ( 0, 0,110) ), Label( 'train' , 31 , 17 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , ( 0, 80,100) ), Label( 'motorcycle' , 32 , 18 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , ( 0, 0,230) ), Label( 'bicycle' , 33 , 19 , 'vehicle' , 7 , True , False , (119, 11, 32) ), Label( 'license plate' , -1 , -1 , 'vehicle' , 7 , False , True , ( 0, 0,142) ), ]
@xiamibudayang 我可以知道你的cityscapes文件夹放的是哪些文件吗?因为我在运行annotation.py的时候一直提醒我没有train文件夹。
请问一下你复现cityscapes后的miou值有多少呀 我只有50多 想请教一下 如果方便的话可以加你联系方式吗 可有偿
x[..., 0] += hue * 360 x[..., 0][x[..., 0] > 1] -= 1 x[..., 0][x[..., 0] < 0] += 1 x[..., 1] *= sat x[..., 2] *= val x[x[:, :, 0] > 360, 0] = 360 x[:, :, 1:][x[:, :, 1:] > 1] = 1 x[x < 0] = 0 请问一下,你这块代码进行的是什么操作
你好 我尝试了您说的这种方法 但是miou只能达到59 不知道事哪里出了问题 很想请教一下您
@xiamibudayang 您好哥,请问修改后您的训练效果如何,miou达到了多少,想请教请教您
@Dejavusd 您好,请问修改了这两个文件之后有效果嘛,想请教请教您
@xiamibudayang 想请问一下,在train.py里除了一些up主设置的超参数外还需要做哪些修改吗,可以看一下您的具体的超参数吗
@xiamibudayang 您好,想问一下,callbacks.py里面的具体代码是如何更改的呢,根据重写的annotation.py和