I know the reason: I print some logs in the dynamic func: ``` fmt.Fprintf(tty.Stderr(), format, a...) ``` maybe these `Fprintf` cause the `colWidth` or `candidateOff` mismatched.
Hi all. I had forked [httprouter] and make it work for [fasthttp]. But there are too many conflicts with go's net/http package. It is hard to merge into the main...
Hi @Annonomus-Penguin , forked repos disable issues by default, now I have opened it. I will rebase the httprouter's commits into fasthttprouter over a period of time. Before I can...
OK, I will change the default key later.
I found the godef issue when "C" package in codes: https://github.com/rogpeppe/godef/issues/41 And this PR works fine for me. Have a try: https://github.com/rogpeppe/godef/pull/44
Do you set `goroot` and `gopath` in user-setting? Like these: ``` { "goroot": "/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.3/libexec", "gopath": "/Users/zippo/develop/GO", } ``` If done, press [ ctrl+` ] to open console and show me...
Use single `GOPATH` for a test. I guess if your multi gopaths conflict.
Maybe you use `attack` and `report` in one line: ``` stress attack xxx | tee result.json | stress report ``` There is a bug with stdout input. Just use one...
There is indeed little thought for these situations. I will consider if fix them quickly.
这个是正确的,我简单解释一下: 当你的topic里只有一个line时,先set进来2条消息,这时topic和line里都有消息;然后你清空了line,如果还有别的line存在的话,topic里的消息还可能被别的line拿走,所以topic不应该清空;但是因为只有一条line,这些已经清空的(还包括被确认的)消息了,一直放在topic里的话会导致存储量无限增加,必须被垃圾回收。 所以uq里的设计思路是,如果已经被确认的消息(指的是已经没用了的消息),后台有一个定时任务在清理它们。也就是说,如果你在topic运行了一段时间之后又要新增加一条line,它只能拿到那一时刻还存在于topic中的**有用消息**,再往前的那些已经被别的line消费掉的消息,就拿不到了。 主要是出于存储量的考虑,欢迎探讨。