bu-versions copied to clipboard
Make and save edits to published posts/pages in WordPress without immediately replacing the public content.
Expose hooks for when important events happen, so developers can programmatically hook-in to send notifications. Example events: * Cloning a post * Draft saved on the clone * Publishing the...
When previewing a draft post (any post type), the content of the preview is mistakenly replaced with data from the wrong post.
Hi! I found an issue on my custom post type with custom capabilities such as: ` 'capability_type' => 'events', 'capabilities' => array( // Meta capabilities 'edit_post' => 'event_edit', 'read_post' =>...
Many thanks for your plugin - it adds something that I think really should be fundamental to any multi-user workflow. However there's one small issue that's caused us some problems....
The canonical redirect triggers when using custom permalink formatting. As a result, the "preview=true" parameter is removed and the alternate preview functionality doesn't work as it should.
I have an interesting use case that came up and I'm wondering if something is even possible with BU Versions. When the user creates a clone page and makes edits,...
I'm not familiar with the internals of this plugin nor the core revision system, but I was wondering if it would be practical to save post and postmeta of the...
Is there some way to get this to work with Advanced custom fields? http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
Just curious why the meta data is not always copied, but rather would require a person to "register" what fields they want copied? I'd like to propose we copy all...