BT.Wood(Tang Bo Hao)
BT.Wood(Tang Bo Hao)
> To deal with cross chain message from EVM compatible chain, keccak256 is necessary. I think there are two things we are missing: 1. keccak256 Hash Algorithm support 2. a...
Currently, the Cadence documentation is pointed to the `master` branch. It has brought confusion to developers because there are some unreleased features in the documentation. For example: [Values And Types](
i found that some styles in picocss cause this. if i commented `@import "@picocss/pico";`, it would be ok
> It would be better to override the specific styles that cause it, since that stylesheet is required and cannot be commented You probably can't believe it... `color-scheme` is the...
In terms of user perception, we can make it feel more permissionless by automation. Here are my two ideas 1. If we can create a checklist of all the tasks...
我也碰到这个问题了~~ 会不会是因为在自己的逻辑代码中require的pomelo-logger(这个是在自己的工程中npm install的)和pomelo的代码中require的pomelo-logger不是同一份导致的? # ------ 实验结果分割线 ----- 已证实上面的想法: 简单测试: log4js.json中配置: ``` { "type": "file", "filename": "${opts:base}/logs/gameplay-${opts:serverId}.log", "maxLogSize": 1048576, "layout": { "type": "basic" } ,"backups": 5, "category":"gameplay" }, ``` 在创建的工程中引入pomelo-logger, 并在app.js于pomelo.createApp()后添加一行...
> Even when being able to determine there are no account capability controllers on an account, a contract deployed to the account may expose similar functionality (e.g. allows adding keys)....