Good day, I have a text and date field where if I remove the data from the form, it is cleaned out of the JSON, but not the SP col....
2 Questions 1. How can I remove the Please Select (firstOption) so it will just display the first option? 2. How can I get the values from the StratusFormsLookup to...
Was wondering if anyone built a form that pulled data from two lists. I will use an example of a customer list, then another list that has an address shipping...
Does it only work when the fieldName:'Title' data-StratusFormsLookup="{listName:'LU_SQUADRON',firstOption:'Select Passcode',fieldName:'Passcode'}" I have a list that has different fields, and i want to pull back a different column Thanks, Darrin
Good day, I have a JS date field picker which works fine, but if I open to edit is subtracts one day each time i open to edit and save....