copied to clipboard
Bump spring.version from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1 in /java/first-captcha
Bumps spring.version
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1.
Updates spring-core
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-core's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-beans
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-beans's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-context
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-context's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-aop
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-aop's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-context-support
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-context-support's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-expression
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-expression's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-web
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-web's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
Updates spring-webmvc
from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.3.1
Release notes
Sourced from spring-webmvc's releases.
:star: New Features
- Expose a public method "isClosed" to indicate whether the connection has been closed in WebSocketSession (WebFlux) #26043
- WebFlux missing programmatic handling of MappingJacksonValue #26035
- Optimize locking in AspectJProxyFactory for concurrent aspect instantiation #26034
- Upgrade SpelCompiler bytecode level to 1.8 and optimize for concurrent access #26033
- MergedAnnotationCollectors.toAnnotationSet() should not create intermediate ArrayList #26031
- SpEL doesn't work nicely with records #26029
- StompSubProtocolHandler logs failed authentication with error stack trace #26026
- Expose toEntityFlux methods in WebClient.ResponseSpec #26023
- Improve AdvisedSupport.getAdvisors() #26017
- Improve URI/query strings sanitization #26012
- DefaultSimpUserRegistry prevents event from being published if original SimpMessageHeaderAccessor cannot be found #26010
- DefaultWebClientBuilder copies references #25992
- Inefficient request handling inside ServletRequestDataBinder #25986
- Avoid multiple volatile reads/writes in a row where only one is enough #25899
- Allows Jackson2 encoders to log Throwable reason for not being able to serialize or deserialize #25892
- Mechanism to access request bound objects in WebClient filter in servlet env #25710
:beetle: Bug Fixes
- Cannot be cast to class Publisher error with non suspending
functions #26052- Fix wrong reference in UrlPathHelper.removeSemicolonContentInternal() #26050
- setTaskScheduler in StompBrokerRelayRegistration breaks chaining #26049
- Add FullyQualifiedAnnotationBeanNameGenerator.INSTANCE #26025
- Autowiring does not work reliably in case of dynamically changing prototype bean class #26019
- Order of profiles in tests is not preserved #26004
on suspending function returning a value always rollbacks #25998- SseEmitter: connection closed after first event #25987
annotation breaks ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver for Principal #25981- Spring MVC's locale resolver can no longer be customized in parent context #25290
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
- Fix kotlin example code which does not compile #26016
- Fix a broken Asciidoctor syntax in core-resources.adoc #25999
:heart: Contributors
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
... (truncated)
Release v5.3.12899652
Fix checkstyle violation560a504
Polishing in DefaultWebClient79f79e9
WebClient method to populate the Reactor Contextbd2640a
Strict nullability for field assignment6825287
Fix @Transactional support on functions returning Flow1f13516
Fix @Transactional support on suspending function6bb3ad7
Add isOpen to WebSocketSession in WebFluxc73cff8
Use RxJava 2/3 fromPublisher() when possible in ReactiveAdapterRegistry- Additional commits viewable in compare view
You can trigger a rebase of this PR by commenting @dependabot rebase
Dependabot commands and options
You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:
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@dependabot ignore this dependency
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@dependabot use these labels
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