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A brief course where we use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to make a digital pet staring our little fox friend.
Complete Front-End Project: Build a Game
As taught by Brian Holt for Frontend Masters
📝 Course Website: Complete Front-End Project - Build a Game
Fly through code faster than you thought possible using VIM! You’ll learn the basics of editing and even know how to exit VIM. Go deeper with navigation, macros, registers, find, and replaces. Then edit your vimrc plugins along with quickfix lists. Lastly, see ThePrimeagen demonstrate his ideal VIM workflow.
The code is this repo is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
The content is this repo is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-4.0 license.
Project Fox Game
This is the site behind the course for Brian Holt's Let's-Build-a-Game for Frontend Masters.
- You can see the course website here.
- You can see the finished version of the game here.
- You can see the project files here.
- You can see Complete Front-End Project: Build a Game course videos here.
Please file issues here. PRs are welcome for content, grammar, and spelling.
All example code is licensed under Apache 2.0. All content is licensed under CC-BY-NC-4.0.