assets-ci copied to clipboard
background image path 404
Hi, i am using assets library but css background image path is not comming proper, my css image path is css/theme/default/d.png
see how it is coming
actual path is this
Here is a temp fix untill i can offer a proper pull-request:
Around line 649 in assets.php library file, replace the line $new_href =
with the following code
// check to make sure port still works when createing stylesheet url(), ie: localhost:8888
$port = !empty($base_parsed['port']) ? ':' . $base_parsed['port'] . '/' : '/';
$new_href = ((array_key_exists('scheme', $base_parsed)) ? $base_parsed['scheme'] . '://' . $base_parsed['host'] : "") . $port . implode("/", $parts);