bgbackup copied to clipboard
Limit the number of differential backups
I do 1 full backup every week. But I would also like to do differential backups every hour.
I would like to keep last 48 differential backups. But as far as I see from config, it's not possible yet.
I think this would be a good addition to the functionality of the script.
Great idea. I'll work on adding this. Thanks.
I assume it's easy as adding this to bgbackup.cnf:
# Number of Differential backups to keep
And this to backup_cleanup function in (I basically replaced the word "Full" to "Differential" and just copied the original cleanup code:
delcountcmd=$mysqlcommand" \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $backuphistschema.backup_history WHERE end_time < (SELECT end_time FROM $backuphistschema.backup_history WHERE butype = 'Differential' ORDER BY end_time DESC LIMIT $limitoffset,1) AND butype = 'Differential' AND hostname = '$mhost' AND status = 'SUCCEEDED' AND deleted_at = 0\" "
delcount=$(eval "$delcountcmd")
if [ "$delcount" -gt 0 ]; then
deletecmd=$mysqlcommand" \"SELECT bulocation FROM $backuphistschema.backup_history WHERE end_time < (SELECT end_time FROM $backuphistschema.backup_history WHERE butype = 'Differential' ORDER BY end_time DESC LIMIT $limitoffset,1) AND butype = 'Differential' AND hostname = '$mhost' AND status = 'SUCCEEDED' AND deleted_at = 0\" "
eval "$deletecmd" | while read -r todelete; do
log_info "Deleted backup $todelete"
markdeletedcmd=$mysqlcommand" \"UPDATE $backuphistschema.backup_history SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE bulocation = '$todelete' AND hostname = '$mhost' AND status = 'SUCCEEDED' \" "
rm -Rf "$todelete"
eval "$markdeletedcmd"
log_info "No Differential backups to delete at this time."