polymer-dashboard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
polymer-dashboard copied to clipboard

A Polymer Dashboard with Material Design

Version Warning

This project is 2 years old. It was written with the release of Polymer 1.0. Since 2014-2015 a lot has changed! So with the release of Polymer 2.0 it will need a full rewrite with the new syntax and build process (Webpack, Progressive Web Apps, ES2015, ES2016 e.t.c)

Although it implements the basic concepts of the platform it will require a rewrite.

Thank you for your support and I'll keep you updated on the progress.


You can view the Project site at http://polymer-dashboard.com/

Or a working demo at http://demo.polymer-dashboard.com/pages/auth/auth.html

Training and Documentation(ish)

You can check out the Pluralsight course on "Building a Web Application with Polymer.js and Material Design". In this 2 hour course we'll build a small Admin Dashboard with similar functionality.


Installation Notes

  1. Install Git Bash if you're using Windows or open Terminal

  2. Download the project "git clone https://github.com/bstavroulakis/polymer-dashboard.git" and cd to the project's folder

  3. Install node.js, bower, gulp

  4. Run "npm install"

  5. Run "bower install"

  6. Run "gulp"

  7. "cd demo-server"

  8. Run "node app.js"

  9. Visit http://localhost:8080 to preview project

  10. Login with username "bill" and password "polymer"