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pent Extracts Numerical Text -- Mini-language driven parser for structured numerical data

pent Extracts Numerical Text

Mini-language driven parser for structured numerical (or other) data in free text

Current Development Version:

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Most Recent Stable Release:

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Do you have structured numerical data stored as text?

Does the idea of writing regex to parse it fill you with loathing?

pent can help!

Say you have data in a text file that looks like this:

.. code::

    0        0.000000
    1        0.000000
    2        0.000000
    3        0.000000
    4        0.000000
    5        0.000000
    6      194.490162
    7      198.587114
    8      389.931897
    9      402.713910
   10      538.244274
   11      542.017838
   12      548.246738
   13      800.613516
   14     1203.096114
   15     1342.200360
   16     1349.543713
   17     1885.157022

What's the most efficient way to get that list of floats extracted into a numpy array? There's clearly structure here, but how to exploit it?

It would work to import the text into a spreadsheet, split columns appropriately, re-export just the one column to CSV <>__, and import to Python from there, but that's just exhausting drudgery if there are dozens of files involved.

Automating the parsing via a line-by-line string search would work fine (this is how |cclib|_ implements its data imports), but a new line-by-line method is needed for every new kind of dataset, and any time the formatting of a given dataset changes.

It's not too hard to write regex <>__ that will parse it, but because of the mechanics of regex group captures you have to write two patterns: one to capture the entire block, including the header (to ensure other, similarly-formatted data isn't also captured); and then one to iterate line-by-line <>__ over just the data block to extract the individual values. And, of course, one has to actually write (and proofread, and maintain) the regex.

pent provides a better way.

The data above comes from this file <>__, C2F4_01.hess. With pent, the data can be pulled into numpy in just a couple of lines, without writing any regex at all:

.. code:: python

>>> data = pathlib.Path("pent", "test", "C2F4_01.hess").read_text()
>>> prs = pent.Parser(
...     head=("@.$vibrational_frequencies", "#.+i"),
...     body=("#.+i #!..f")
... )
>>> arr = np.array(prs.capture_body(data), dtype=float)
>>> print(arr)
[[[   0.      ]
  [   0.      ]
  [   0.      ]
  [   0.      ]
  [   0.      ]
  [   0.      ]
  [ 194.490162]
  [ 198.587114]
  [ 389.931897]
  [ 402.71391 ]
  [ 538.244274]
  [ 542.017838]
  [ 548.246738]
  [ 800.613516]
  [1342.20036 ]

The result comes out as a length-one list of 2-D matrices, since the search pattern occurs only once in the data file. The single 2-D matrix is laid out as a column vector, because the data runs down the column in the file.

pent can handle larger, more deeply nested data as well. Take this 18x18 matrix <>__ within C2F4_01.hess, for example. Here, it's necessary to pass a Parser as the body of another Parser:

.. code:: python

>>> prs_hess = pent.Parser(
...     head=("@.$hessian", "#.+i"),
...     body=pent.Parser(
...         head="#++i",
...         body="#.+i #!+.f"
...     )
... )
>>> result = prs_hess.capture_body(data)
>>> arr = np.column_stack([np.array(_, dtype=float) for _ in result[0]])
>>> print(arr[:3, :7])
[[ 0.468819 -0.006771  0.020586 -0.38269   0.017874 -0.05449  -0.044552]
 [-0.006719  0.022602 -0.016183  0.010997 -0.033397  0.014422 -0.01501 ]
 [ 0.020559 -0.016184  0.066859 -0.033601  0.014417 -0.072836  0.045825]]

The need for the generator expression, the [0] index into result, and the composition via np.column_stack arises due to the manner in which pent returns data from a nested match like this. See the documentation <>, in particular this example <>, for more information.

The grammar of the pent mini-language is designed to be flexible enough that it should handle essentially all well-formed structured data, and even some data that's not especially well formed. Some datasets will require post-processing of the data structures generated by pent before they can be pulled into numpy (see, e.g., this test <>, parsing this data block <>).

Beta releases available on PyPI <>__: pip install pent

Full documentation is hosted at Read The Docs <>__.

Source on GitHub <>. Bug reports, feature requests, and Parser construction help requests are welcomed at the Issues <> page there.

Copyright (c) Brian Skinn 2018-2019

License: The MIT License. See LICENSE.txt <>__ for full license terms.

.. |cclib| replace:: cclib

.. _cclib: