support copied to clipboard
CSS Variables TODO
- [ ] Make it easy to apply border-radius to panels, with or without headers, should end up correctly
- [ ] Make new light theme that is very light
- [ ] Make sure list checkboxes does not have transparent check marks
- [ ] List with checkbox should have symmetrical selection padding
- [ ] Hollow buttons
- [ ]
- [ ] A single variable for grid+header padding
- [ ] Ability to add horizontal "margin" spacing between grid cells
- [ ] All themeable values to be imported as CSS properties
- [ ] Add easy way to assign colors to icons "b-fa b-fa-triangle-exlcamation b-red" or similar
- [ ] Remove header background color of Popup/Tooltip in Calendar (compare scheduler "tooltips" demo)
See also
we should make the .float-root
display : grid;
place-items : center;
And then have .b-centered
position : static;
align-self : auto;
That way, they would just be centered by layout, without that top : 50%; left : 50%; transform : translate(-50%, -50%);
hack. No visible difference, just cleaner modern CSS.
Requested themeable vals here