support copied to clipboard
Dragged element is not rendered correctly when `constrainDragToTimeline` disabled
Test case BryntumDragIssue (1).zip If not runnable with yarn, change version in package.json for yarn from 4.0.4 to 1.2.0 (or whatever you have locally)
Worked when constraints enabled, but doesn't when it disabled. An app attached is on Angular, but it is required to be reviewed by Core developer, not Angular.
We are using Brynutm Scheduler 6.0.1 with Angular 17 and have implemented the scheduler with our own renderer component:
const EVENT_COMPONENT_SELECTOR = getComponentSelector(SchedulingBoardEventComponent);
export const eventRendererConfig = {
eventColor: null,
eventRenderer: (): string => `<${EVENT_COMPONENT_SELECTOR} />`,
onRenderEvent: ({ eventRecord, element: parentElement }): void => {
const data = (eventRecord as SchedulingBoardModel<SchedulingBoardItem>).getData('data');
const element = findFirstElementOrThrow<SchedulingBoardComponentWithData<SchedulingBoardItem>>(
); = data;
} satisfies SchedulerConfig;
Everything is working fine, until we deactivate constrainDragToTimeline and set it to false to be able to drag between to connected schedulers.
Our custom renderer component has the following template:
<div *ngIf="data; else dragCreationElement">
*ngIf="data.modelType === SchedulingBoardItemTypeEnum.CREATION"
*ngIf="data.modelType === SchedulingBoardItemTypeEnum.WORK_ORDER"
[hasNoBackground]="!(showFullyColoredCards$ | async)"
<ng-template #dragCreationElement>
<app-scheduling-board-creation-card />
and once we set constrainDragToTimeline to false and start to drag, it is always rendering the fallback component
Here is a screen shot of the scheduling board while dragging:
Screenshot of the Dom element while dragging:
Any idea, what we can do to fix the rendering while dragging?
Thank you!