Go Map!! supports geo: and gomaposm: URL schemes. I'm a bit out of the loop as to how that gets hooked up here.
GoMap!! doesn’t support a bounding box, but it does support a centerpoint and a zoom level.
Things are now fixed in the latest Go Map!! release in the App Store. You can launch the app using a URL like,-122.212559&zoom=21
There's a rudimentary conflict resolution in place already: if you try to upload something and the server says there is a newer version then we discard your version, download the...
That behavior occurs silently and automatically. It might be buggy or not work correctly in some cases. If you want to try testing some scenarios on the dev server you...
The number of objects displayed on screen is tuned to allow 60 FPS on older devices. On newer devices we could display more objects, or we could increase frame rate,...
The code does scale the number of objects based on device performance, but it maxes out at around iPhone 7 performance levels so in practice it's now a constant. (Search...
Okay, I've tried setting what are supposed to be the appropriate .plist and CADisplayLink settings but I'm not getting above 60 FPS. Any help from someone smarter?
This is a great suggestion, thanks!
I did some work on this at if you'd like to take a look and play with it.