TGL_Instagram copied to clipboard
ExpressionEngine Module for interacting with the Instagram API
TGL Instagram API
Version 1.1
This is an ExpressionEngine 2 module for interacting with the Instagram API. The module has a CP backend, which directs the user through the oAuth process.
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This module uses the Instagram PHP API class writen by macuenca:
- Move tgl_instagram folder into your EE third-party directory
- Install Module
- Follow steps to authenticating
- When registering a new client with Instagram, make sure the OAuth redirect_uri value is set correct. For more information see here:
Tag Pairs
The following tags can be used for looping through images:
This tag loops through the authenticated user's feed. The feed displays pictures from other instagram user's the authenticated user follows as well as their own images.
the number of images you want to see
the number of minutes you want the information to be cached for. 0 = no caching
User Feed
This tag loops though a specified user's feed, and only displays image they have shared.
the number of images you want to display
the number of minutes you want the information to be cached for. 0 = no caching
the username of the specific user, who you want to display images from.
Popular Images
This tag loops though all popular images
the number of images you want to display
the number of minutes you want the information to be cached for. 0 = no caching
Image Data
These tags can be used within the above tag pairs.
The filer used on the image
Timestamp of when the image was created
Link to Instagram's site displaying the picture
Image's caption
The username of the user who submitted the image
The website of the user who submitted the image
The bio of the user who submitted the image
The profile picture of the user who submitted the image
The full name of the user who sumitted the image
The url to the thumbnail version of the image (150px x 150px)
The thumbnail version of the image, wrapped in an tag (150px x 150px)
The url to the low resolution version of the image (306px x 306px)
The low resolution version of the image, wrapped in an tag (306px x 306px)
The url to the standard resolution version of the image (612px x 612px)
The standard resolution version of the image, wrapped in an tag (612px x 612px)
Number of tags for the specific images
Number of "likes" for the specific image
Number of comments for the specific image
Image Data Tag Pairs
Within each image's loop, there are a few more items you can loop over to get more information about each image
Loop over the comments for each picture
Single Tags
Text from a specific comment
Username from the user who submitted the comment
The profile picture from the user who submitted the comment
The full name of the user who submitted the comment
Loop over each image's likes
Single Tags
Username of the user who liked the photo
Full name of the user who liked the photo
Profile picture of the user who liked the photo
Loop over each images tags
Single Tags
The tag name
v 1.1
- Bug fix causeing plugin page in EECP to show up white
- Added ability to list popular images
v 1.0
- Initial Release
- Ability to list media from authenticated users feed
- Ability to list media from specified user