mix_deps_add copied to clipboard
Elixir mix task to auto-add a new dependency to mix.exs
Adds a mix task for auto-adding dependencies to mix.exs
, if you happen to
keep your mix.exs
file's deps
function in a simple canonical form.
$ mix deps.add httpoison hackney ../my_local_package
:httpoison, "~> 0.11.2"
:hackney, "~> 1.5.5"
:my_local_package, path: "../my_local_package"
For names without a slash, it looks up the latest released version on hex.pm; if there's a slash, it's treated as a local path.
Install its archive, so that it's available in all of your projects:
$ mix archive.install https://github.com/bryanstearns/mix_deps_add/releases/download/0.1.3/mix_deps_add-0.1.3.ez
I like how npm install --save <name>
figures out the current version of
the package and updates your package.json
by itself, so I decided to make a
Mix task to do it for my Elixir project dependencies. It's harder to do for
Mix because mix.exs
is freeform Elixir code, but since the deps
is pretty simple, I just require that it adheres to the usual format &
content... for example:
defp deps do
{:hackney, "~> 1.5.5"},
{:httpoison, "~> 0.11.1"},
{:my_local_package, path: "../my_local_package"},
{:poison, "~> 3.1.0"}
(This is what you'd get if you ran the example command above, if :poison
was your only existing dependency.)
The rules for your deps/0
If these seem overly restrictive to you, please file an issue; I'm also open to pull requests!
- It starts with the only "defp deps do" line in the file
- It ends with the next "end" line
- It contains nothing but the list of dependencies, each on its own line, separated by commas, wrapped by square brackets
- No comments allowed (for now)
It doesn't care if the square brackets are on their own lines; it'll put them on their own lines and sort the dependencies alphabetically when it writes the file back out.
Yes, it's a bit of a hack, but It Works On My Machine, so I'm shipping it.
TODO, maybe
- [x] support adding more than one dependency at a time
- [x] support adding local projects with
- [ ] preserve comments within the
function - [ ] allow prerelease versions
- [ ] support "git:" dependencies
- [ ] add the trailing comma