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Feature request sent via email: prediction intervals
Be able to calculate intervals for all ASVs and without having to use plot
Hi Bryan,
If I'm understanding the request correctly, I have code for a pretty simple function that does this in case anyone needs a clunky interim solution. It uses purrr
(and forcats
for plotting) but I assume most folks have those packages.
It does use bbdml:::plot
, but to me that function might as well be called calculatePredictionIntervals
(at least with the data_only=TRUE
option). It also relies on the user using the full_output=TRUE
option in differentialTest
Code for the function:
differentialTestPredictions <- function(diftest_res, B = 1000, taxa) {
# Below line is probably not ideal! Would be safer if differentialTest outputs were named lists
names(diftest_res$full_output) <- taxa_names(diftest_res$data)
# default is all taxa
if (missing(taxa)) {
taxa <- taxa_names(diftest_res$data)
} else {
taxa <- taxa
~ corncob:::plot.bbdml(.,
B = B, data_only = TRUE)
How I use it in my workflow:
# differential test
soil_diftest_res <- differentialTest(
data = soil_phylo %>% tax_glom("Genus"), formula = ~DayAmdmt, phi.formula = ~1,
formula_null = ~1, phi.formula_null = ~1, test = "LRT", full_output = TRUE
# differential test prediction function for significant taxa (low bootstrap # for demonstration)
prediction_list <- differentialTestPredictions(
diftest_res = soil_diftest_res,
B = 5,
taxa = soil_diftest_res$significant_taxa
# get sample data
samdat <- sample_data(soil_phylo) %>%
data.frame() %>%
# combine with prediction intervals
prediction_list_with_samdat <- prediction_list %>% map(~ left_join(., samdat, by = "samples"))
# reorder samples and plot
plotlist <- prediction_list_with_samdat %>%
map2(.x = ., .y=names(.),
~ mutate(.data = ., samples = fct_reorder(samples, DayAmdmt)) %>%
ggplot(data = .) +
geom_pointrange(aes(x = samples, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, y = RA, color = DayAmdmt)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())+ggtitle(.y)
Best, Ian