ifc-git copied to clipboard
Some notes on tagging for comment:
The revision list shows tags, tagging/removing tags is basic required functionality.
Git tag names are limited in the same way as branch names (no spaces etc..), but can have text descriptions that are independent of revision descriptions.
The question is how do they map to the typical way that revisions are used in AEC?
There are various styles used in AEC: traditional A, B, C .. revisions, or a software-style 0.1, 0.2, 1.0 .. pattern, there are also named tags that correspond to project stages 'TENDER', 'CONSTRUCTION', 'AS-BUILT' - all these can be accomodated and mixed.
We should expect that generated drawings would automatically collect tags, along with authors, descriptions and dates and use them to populate the revision status and revision lists that typically appear in drawings.
A consideration is that tags are typically repository-wide, so if there are multiple IFC files in a repository they will all have the same revision history - this may be unwanted, in a traditional drawing set the A, B, C .. increments can be per drawing. This can be mitgated by putting each IFC project in a separate repository, but even so you should expect multiple drawings produced from a single IFC project to always have the same revision history.
Git does allow tagging per file, but this isn't much use as a Git checkout is per repository. Potentially a batch drawing generator could retrieve the tagged blob into a temporary file and use this to generate drawings, but this seems way too fragile.