Of course! The way I implemented the class loader I described above was more or less like this (and I am still struggling to find out how to replace the...
Thank you very much, it seems that will work perfectly.
Ahn, @vladar, sorry for the endless pestering, but besides the bug from #683, it seems that this does not replace types in fields. For example: ```graphql scalar TestText @scalar(class: "ModelariumTests\\Laravel\\ScalarTestText")...
@canatufkansu while that fix is not accepted into graphql-php, here's a dirty workaround. Add to your model class: ``` /** * Determine if the given attribute exists. * TEMPORARY FIX...
Since both graphql-php and laravel think that it's a feature and not a bug, thanks for wanting to fix this here.
I understand the position in `graphql-php` of expecting a sane implementation of `ArrayAccess`, which is why I didn't argue it further. But the reality is that people often don't write...
Let me see if I get this right: - the current one is `lighthouse/src/Schema/ResolverProvider.php`, right? - so I'd check in `provideResolver()` if `$fieldValue->parent instanceof Model` and return a new resolver...
Hey! any plans to merge this?
Don't blame me for the build, it's those damn google libs you like :)
Exactly. It's more convenient to call `prepare()`, which is properly written and tested, than to reimplement it exactly as it is on the target application.