stylus-brunch copied to clipboard
stylus-brunch freeze brunch
When i try start brunch, i see error:
(node:5902) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
(node:5902) DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
06 Apr 16:25:55 - info: compiling
06 Apr 16:25:59 - info: compiling.
06 Apr 16:26:03 - info: compiling..
my brunch-config.js
module.exports = {
files: {
javascripts: {
joinTo: "js/app.js"
// To use a separate vendor.js bundle, specify two files path
// joinTo: {
// "js/app.js": /^(web\/static\/js)/,
// "js/vendor.js": /^(web\/static\/vendor)|(deps)/
// }
// To change the order of concatenation of files, explicitly mention here
// order: {
// before: [
// "web/static/vendor/js/jquery-2.1.1.js",
// "web/static/vendor/js/bootstrap.min.js"
// ]
// }
stylesheets: {
joinTo: 'css/app.css'
conventions: {
assets: /^(web\/static\/assets)/
paths: {
watched: [
public: '/priv/static'
sourceMaps: false
"repository": {},
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"deploy": "brunch build --production",
"watch": "brunch watch --stdin"
"dependencies": {
"brunch-typescript": "^2.1.0",
"phoenix": "file:deps/phoenix",
"phoenix_html": "file:deps/phoenix_html"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-brunch": "~6.0.0",
"brunch": "2.7.4",
"clean-css-brunch": "~2.0.0",
"css-brunch": "~2.0.0",
"stylus-brunch": "^2.10.0",
"typescript-brunch": "^2.3.0",
"javascript-brunch": "~2.0.0",
"uglify-js-brunch": "~2.0.1"
- OS: Linux
- node - 7.8.0
P.S When i remove or replace sylus ( as example LESS ), all works fine.
@etroynov thanks for reaching us out! Trying to figure out what is the cause of your issue.
Take a look at this:
… … … TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
Probably, you're passing an undefined
in one of path
's methods. Please check your paths.
@etroynov hey, I've created a repo, but can't reproduce your problem. Can you, please, change this repo to make it possible to reproduce this issue. Thanks.
thanks for answers, i try reproduce this problem by using this repo.
I reproduce problem in this repo:
I update config, нor some reason he does not see path:
brunch:pipeline Dependencies web/static/app.styl @ StylusCompiler +84ms
(node:20341) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
any news?
Thanks for repo! Currently, I'm involved in other issues. Gonna come back asap. I've saved that for future.
Same here.
Got unhandled rejected promise
when phoenix server started
(node:54115) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
I reproduce problem in this repo:
@timnew does this repo reproduce your problem too?
The problem is solved if you update your brunch version in package.json
to 2.10.9
Or probably if you use an older version of stylus-brunch.
It seems some changes were made between versions to the getDependencies
call in older versions it doesn't pass a file as parameter but data, path etc. .