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Personal resources for my PhD, focusing on Bayesian inference and different programming languages
I'm currently pursuing my PhD in Statistics at the Hamilton Institute, in Maynooth, Ireland, and the focus of my research is Bayesian Machine Learning. This repository contains a wide diversity of links that I've found in any way useful for my current studies.
Bayesian stuff
- Case studies in Stan
- Bayesian Regression
- Statistical Rethinking
- BART by Andrew Parnell
- Doing Bayesian Data Analysis
- Survival Analysis in Stan
- MCMC tutorials
- Bayesian Neural Networks
- Laplaces Demon Archive
- PGMs
- PGMs 2
- PGMs 3
- David Blei's page
- Intro to Bayesian Stats, by Michael DeCrescenzo
Miscellaneous Machine Learning
- NN from scratch
- Probabilistic Graphical Models notes
- GLM notes
- Variable Selection by Andrew Parnell
- Feature Engineering
- Chris Albon's notes
- Visualisation references
- MCMC examples
- ML by Larry Wasserman
- Fast AI
- tidymodels
- MLSS 2019 London - Full Videos
- Isak's summary - MLSS 2019
- Variational Inference
- Mathematical Tours
- CS229 Stanford
- CS 294: Fairness in Machine Learning
- FMP Notebooks
Probability and Statistics
- Prob & Stats Cookbook
- Prob & Stats by Larry Wasserman
- Probabilistic modelling examples
- Measure Theory
- Measure Theory notes
- Measure Theory playlist
- Machine Learning with R
- Advanced Statistical Computing
- Laplaces Demon
- Data Visualization in the Tidyverse by Allison Hill
- Data Visualisation (Fronkonstin)
- Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning
- Intro to Deep Learning
- Practical Reinforcement Learning
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Information Theory
Interesting stats stuff
Anything else
- Screen to gif
- Paper writing
- Columbia's CS Ph.D. support page
- Presentation preparation
YAML/rmd editing with
Conferences & Summer Schools (happen yearly)
Stats & ML
- 21 ML Conferences
- Global Women in Data Science Conferences
- Stats Conferences Calendar
- Machine Learning Summer School
- Deep Learning Summer School
- Gaussian Processes Summer School
- Summer Schools List
Diversity Scholarships
- Why do they exist?
- To increase diversity & inclusion in the tech environment
- What does it include, generally?
- It can be either partial or full scholarships, including registration, accomodation, food and travel costs. It all depends on each conference/summer school rules.
- What to write in the application?
- Your profile (where are you from, gender, what do you do now and plans to do later)
- What is your current study/employment situation, emphasizing on how much going to the conference would be benefitial for it
- Explain your budget limitations clearly (e.g. PhD students have almost no money for conferences/programming resources)
- Explain how do you plan to "give" back what will be learned in the conference/summer school (e.g. share content on GitHub, apply it in your thesis or specific project)