csgo-imgui-sdk copied to clipboard
SDK with imgui.
Hello, Ive been coding a cheat with ur sdk for a week now and im trying to make a knife model changer, but i cant find local_player, ActiveWeapon, ViewModel, ModelIndex...
``` get_interface(panel, "vgui2.dll", "VGUI_Panel"); get_interface(surface, "vguimatsurface.dll", "VGUI_Surface"); void Texto(const vfont font, std::string text, const float x, const float y, const Color clr) { if (!font.initialized) return; sdk::surface->DrawSetTextFont(font.hfont); sdk::surface->DrawSetTextColor(clr); sdk::surface->DrawSetTextPos( static_cast...
Poti face sistemul de config pe butoane? Gen sa schimbi configurile dupa hotkeys. Ex: Tasta F1- legit, F2- Rage....
could u add a few more hooks such as create_move for example? I know how to add it on vmt but not on this method.