Eric Brugger
Eric Brugger
We actually have logic that calculates the external faces for each block and then uses the coordinates to eliminate duplicate faces. This is only implemented for structured grids, but it...
We currently have the following ghost zone types defined in `avtGhostData.h`: ``` typedef enum { DUPLICATED_ZONE_INTERNAL_TO_PROBLEM = 0, ENHANCED_CONNECTIVITY_ZONE = 1, REDUCED_CONNECTIVITY_ZONE = 2, REFINED_ZONE_IN_AMR_GRID = 3, ZONE_EXTERIOR_TO_PROBLEM = 4,...
The class `avtDatabaseMetaData` has methods for tracking the ghost zone types associated with a mesh. We can use those to determine if one of the ghost zone types is `DUPLICATED_ZONE_INTERNAL_TO_PROBLEM`....
The method `avtGenericDatabase::CommunicateGhosts` has mechanisms for generating ghost zones if they aren't already present. It has an early exit if `GetContainsGhostZones(meshname) == AVT_HOST_GHOSTS` for the mesh on any processor. This...
Kevin Durrenberger is looking into creating a class in the mili file that groups the slide lines so that we can group them in the interface. Right now they are...
When we looked at the file created by `makemili` the slide surfaces were only listed under the materials and there was no way to tell that they were slide surfaces....
@durrenberger1 mentioned that having the codes change how they are outputting slide line names will be quite a bit of work and that going with the solution the @markcmiller86 suggested...
I added the ability to add meta data to PNGs with the following PR. If you add specific conduit nodes under the state, it will add those strings to...
Yes, the PR didn't have any documentation associated with it. :(
@markcmiller86 looked the silo file and it doesn't contain any zeroes, so it must be getting added during processing in VisIt.