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no Makefile in repo but advised "make" in INSTALL

Open farzadanooshah opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments


New to ezmlm and ezmlm-idx, I couldn't find a proper INSTALL/README on how to setup. it's asked in INSTALL to run "make clean; make; make man..." but there is no MakeFile in the source/repo.


farzadanooshah avatar Sep 05 '17 16:09 farzadanooshah

Makefile deleted by commit id 99ced7d with message:

Switched from a hand-coded Makefile to automatically built with makemake.sh

couldn't find makemake.sh file too. found out that it's been moved to tools by commit 204d0ce with message

Moved the makemake and makepatch scripts into tools.

However, INSTALL hasn't been updated and running simply tools/makemake.sh generate a Makefile with lots of errors and with the help of that Makefile , "make" exit with error!

farzadanooshah avatar Sep 05 '17 16:09 farzadanooshah

downloaded the same version from https://untroubled.org/ezmlm/ and all works fine!!!!

farzadanooshah avatar Sep 05 '17 19:09 farzadanooshah