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A prototype of on-raw-key, which gives more control over keydown and keyup events, as well as information about meta keys
Here's an example program that uses this for reference (not using a share link because the review app doesn't currently have Drive doing what I expect). You can run it by copy/pasting into
include image
include reactors
The Pong structure tracks whether each of the relevant keys is
currently pushed down. W and S refer to the WASD setup for up
and down, and up/down refer to the arrow keys. y1 and y2 correspond
to the y positions of the two paddles
data Pong:
| pong(
up :: Boolean,
down :: Boolean,
w :: Boolean,
s :: Boolean,
y1 :: Number,
y2 :: Number)
DY = 3
paddle= rectangle(20, 50, "solid", "green")
draw-state :: Pong -> Image
fun draw-state(p):
put-image(paddle, 20, p.y1,
put-image(paddle, 480, p.y2,
rectangle(500, 400, "solid", "black")))
next-state-tick :: Pong -> Pong
# This does all of the changing of actual positions - the two y values
# change according to the values in the up/down/w/s fields. The idea is
# that the up/down/w/s fields represent "moving right now", and all
# movement happens on ticks
fun next-state-tick(p):
new-y1 =
if p.s: p.y1 - DY
else if p.w: p.y1 + DY
else: p.y1
new-y2 =
if p.up: p.y2 + DY
else if p.down: p.y2 - DY
else: p.y2 end
pong(p.up, p.down, p.w, p.s, new-y1, new-y2)
next-state-raw-key :: Pong, Event -> Pong
#| This simply manipulates the up/down/w/s fields. The only two options
for the key-action field are "keydown" and "keyup" (this could potentially
be a boolean field on the Event). This means that on keyup, the
corresponding key state will become false, and on keydown it will become true,
and in all the intervening ticks it will be true.
The Event type is roughly what's specified in
Currently, it's:
data Event:
| time-tick
| mouse(x :: Number, y :: Number, kind :: String)
| keypress(key :: String)
| raw-key(key :: String, key-action :: String, caps :: Boolean, shift :: Boolean, alt :: Boolean, command :: Boolean, control :: Boolean)
and on-raw-key will _always_ receive a raw-key event.
fun next-state-raw-key(p, x):
is-keydown = x.key-action == "keydown"
if x.key == "s":
pong(p.up, p.down, p.w, is-keydown, p.y1, p.y2)
else if x.key == "w":
pong(p.up, p.down, is-keydown, p.s, p.y1, p.y2)
else if x.key == "ArrowUp":
pong(is-keydown, p.down, p.w, p.s, p.y1, p.y2)
else if x.key == "ArrowDown":
pong(p.up, is-keydown, p.w, p.s, p.y1, p.y2)
r = reactor:
init: pong(false, false, false, false, 200, 200),
to-draw: draw-state,
on-tick: next-state-tick,
on-raw-key: next-state-raw-key
Where does this PR stand?
Is there any update on this?