Rob Brown

Results 7 comments of Rob Brown

I am also struggling with this issue. When there is more than one (or more) sources available there is zero labelling about where the source is from, either in the...

Thanks for the response. I use ratings to help me cull images from a shoot. I basically use a 3 rating system of ok (1 star), better (3 stars), best...

Error: Cannot find module '/private/var/folders/sn/xksvxxzx7jzgtzscpjp1_r1h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19469B91-70AB-4540-9DCC-5E0C4644ED54/d/' at Module._resolveFilename (module.js:470:15) at Module._resolveFilename (/private/var/folders/sn/xksvxxzx7jzgtzscpjp1_r1h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19469B91-70AB-4540-9DCC-5E0C4644ED54/d/ at Function.get_Module._resolveFilename (/private/var/folders/sn/xksvxxzx7jzgtzscpjp1_r1h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19469B91-70AB-4540-9DCC-5E0C4644ED54/d/ at Module.require (file:///private/var/folders/sn/xksvxxzx7jzgtzscpjp1_r1h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19469B91-70AB-4540-9DCC-5E0C4644ED54/d/ at require (/private/var/folders/sn/xksvxxzx7jzgtzscpjp1_r1h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/19469B91-70AB-4540-9DCC-5E0C4644ED54/d/ at Object. (/Users/robbrown/.atom/packages/foldingtext-for-atom/lib/extensions/ui/ at Object. (/Users/robbrown/.atom/packages/foldingtext-for-atom/lib/extensions/ui/ at Object. (/Users/robbrown/.atom/packages/foldingtext-for-atom/lib/extensions/ui/ at...

argh! still seeing this, 80% of the times I launch. I have to quit several times and relaunch

Now, every time I launch atom folding text does not load and I get this error. All fhtml files only open as raw HTML, with the exception of the last...

I'd also be interested in importing my flickr library. However I don't think that offlloading this activity to the PhotoPrism team would be a high priority. So perhaps some budding...