vyper-token-mix copied to clipboard
A bare-bones ERC20 template, written in Vyper.
A bare-bones implementation of the Ethereum ERC-20 standard, written in Vyper.
For Solidity, check out token-mix
Install Brownie, if you haven't already.
Download the mix.
brownie bake vyper-token
Basic Use
This mix provides a simple template upon which you can build your own token, as well as unit tests providing 100% coverage for core ERC20 functionality.
To interact with a deployed contract in a local environment, start by opening the console:
brownie console
Next, deploy a test token:
>>> token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]})
Transaction sent: 0x4a61edfaaa8ba55573603abd35403cf41291eca443c983f85de06e0b119da377
Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 12000000
Token.constructor confirmed - Block: 1 Gas used: 521513 (4.35%)
Token deployed at: 0xd495633B90a237de510B4375c442C0469D3C161C
You now have a token contract deployed, with a balance of 1e21
assigned to accounts[0]
>>> token
<Token Contract '0xd495633B90a237de510B4375c442C0469D3C161C'>
>>> token.balanceOf(accounts[0])
>>> token.transfer(accounts[1], 1e18, {'from': accounts[0]})
Transaction sent: 0xb94b219148501a269020158320d543946a4e7b9fac294b17164252a13dce9534
Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 12000000
Token.transfer confirmed - Block: 2 Gas used: 51668 (0.43%)
<Transaction '0xb94b219148501a269020158320d543946a4e7b9fac294b17164252a13dce9534'>
To run the tests:
brownie test
The unit tests included in this mix are very generic and should work with any ERC20 compliant smart contract. To use them in your own project, all you must do is modify the deployment logic in the tests/conftest.py::token
To get started with Brownie:
- Check out the other Brownie mixes that can be used as a starting point for your own contracts. They also provide example code to help you get started.
- "Getting Started with Brownie" is a good tutorial to help you familiarize yourself with Brownie.
- For more in-depth information, read the Brownie documentation.
Any questions? Join our Gitter channel to chat and share with others in the community.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.