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disappearing items from little red wagon
Ok, so i have had these issues with what i thought was just a weird seed issue concerning corn seeds disappearing after i quit. But i now think there is something wrong with the red wagon and remembering what it had in it when you leave the game. I had harvested my 3 bee hives and had gotten the wax from part of it. did 4 buckets worth. had the remainder and i had 26 leather. ran into the cauldron bug so i saved and fixed it. did not back up that save. last 3 times i started i had found myself not where i saved at. Had looted the storage unit west of river side in a big truck. returned home and saved and quit. woke up in the storage unit no truck. when i made it to base there was the truck.last 2 sleeps i woke up in the back yard and when i clicked the red wagon the contents vanished into thin air. Last quit i didnt back up save. so i am going back to previous save. Several big issues here. going to make sure to drop or empty the wagon and see what happens. really need some smart person helping on this one. I have lost about 2000 corn seeds so far and just put this together.
ok so i know that the red wagon has issues. if its unequipped then my saves leave me where i was. i can put stuff in it on the ground and it ok, the items stay. if i put it secondary then things go weird.
on the above info i agree somethng not right also. i left my last world as t kept reverting back to previous points in the game, loot not being looted, skills not updating and goin back to previous amounts when rejoining. Idk what the issue is im afraid though for those looking into it n future, i kept the save it was happening on so if you need me to test theories then let me know
I think it was an issue with the .25 build. I asked hasi to test it and it did nit happen to him. it hasnt happened again so it was a transient issue. but the fact that it only happened with the corn seeds really makes me wonder. thank you for the commenting. appreciate the help.
np, i was puttng up for when demolition derby goes through these all when current build goes stable for the next hydrocraft update