tts copied to clipboard
A command line tool to read text with Microsoft Speech API (SAPI).
Hi Brook. I just made your tts project compile with Visual Studio 2017. In case you are interested to incorporate the change. Regards, Tom
I am just wondering if there is a way to run multiple instances of tts.exe/allow multiple lines to be read at once. Currently running the command more than once overlapping...
Dear Staff: ``` Your ReadTask::speakText news n+1 elements for wbuf without deleting it. This will cause memory leakage problem. Please add "delete[] wbuf;" after m_pVoice->Speak call. ```
Hello sir i try to download its not working can you please re upload it i want to try it thanks in advance
could u pls share ur prebuilt binary ? or give a clue about how to build.. thanks a lot ....