authentik_traefik copied to clipboard
Authentik behind Traefik
Authentik 2024+ and Traefik 3.x
Ensure all CHANGEME
and domain.tld
values are changed to match YOUR environment!
Important changes: Traefik 2.x write up has been renamed from the main
branch to traefik2
. Traefik 3.x and Authentik 2024.x now reside on the traefik3
branch, which will be the default branch.
This guide assumes that there is a working Traefik v3.x+ running and that the Traefik network is called traefik. I will also be using the embedded outpost instead of a standalone proxy outpost container.
Additionally, I am NOT allowing Authentik to view the Docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock
) and auto create providers.
If you want to learn more on how to setup Traefik or just some more detailed explanation, visit Anand and Smart Home Beginner at
My folder / repo structure is weird because this is a condensed version of what I have running. I did not want to leave dead links or bad configurations, so modify to your environment.
Authentik is heavier on resources than Authelia, but it is pretty neat!
DNS Records
Ensure that a DNS record exists for authentik.domain.tld
as the compose and all material here assumes that will be the record name. This is the bare minimum requirement!
I highly recommend Pi-hole for your domain!
Records that are used in this example:
- Traefik 3.x Dashboard -
- Authentik WebUI -
- WhoAmI using Authentik middleware - Individual Provider -
- WhoAmI using Authentik middleware - Domain Wide Catch All -
- WhoAmI no authentik middleware
The way I have my records in Pi-hole setup, since all of these are containers:
DNS Records
Domain | IP |
traefik.domain.tld | |
This IP is the host that my containers are running on.
CNAME Records
Domain | Target |
authentik.domain.tld | traefik.domain.tld |
whoami-individual.domain.tld | traefik.domain.tld |
whoami-catchall.domain.tld | traefik.domain.tld |
whoami.domain.tld | traefik.domain.tld |
Docker Compose setup for Authentik
Authentik's developer has an initial docker compose setup guide and docker-compose.yml
located at:
In order for the forwardAuth to make sense, I've modified the provided docker-compose.yml and added the appropriate Traefik labels. I am also using docker secrets in order to protect sensitive information.
I am using "fake" docker secrets and binding them into the compose instead of saving sensitive data in environment variables. You can remove the secrets section and work with regular environment variables if that makes more sense for your environment. This is strictly a working example, hopefully with enough documentation to help anyone else that might be stuck.
First create an environment variable file .env
in the same directory as the compose.yaml
with the following information, ensuring to update everywhere that has a CHANGEME to match your environment. If you want, these values can all be manually coded into the compose.yaml
instead of having a separate file.
Environment Variables File
Check .env for the latest version of the contents below.
# .env
# When both env_file and environment are set for a service, values set by environment have precedence.
# Ex: Cannot have .ENV var as TZ=US and then a var here as DB_ENGINE: sqlite, has to be DB_ENGINE=sqlite
# Otherwise unexpected type map[string]interface {} occurs
#################### Traefik 3 - June 2024 #####################
# Cloudflare IPs (IPv4 and/or IPv6):
#CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL= # Moved to Docker Secrets
#CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY= # Moved to Docker Secrets
# Authentik (
# Environment Variables (
AUTHENTIK_LOG_LEVEL=info # debug, info, warning, error, trace
AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY=file:///run/secrets/authentik_secret_key # openssl rand 60 | base64 -w 0
# AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__TRUSTED_PROXY_CIDRS: CHANGEME_IFAPPLICABLE # Defaults to all of:,,,, fe80::/10, ::1/128
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://socket-proxy:2375 # Use this if you have Socket Proxy enabled.
# GeoIP (
# Environment Variables (
GEOIPUPDATE_EDITION_IDS="GeoLite2-City GeoLite2-ASN" # Space seperated
GEOIPUPDATE_FREQUENCY=8 # Frequency to check for updates, in hours
Compose File
I really like how Anand did his compose.yaml
file to be a stack of includes for cleaner organization.
compose.yaml - Defines the base networks, secrets, and other compose files below to include when ran.
- Authentik
- socket-proxy
- traefik 3.x
- whoami
The 2 other whoami
containers are inside of the Authentik compose since they are examples, strictly for demonstration and then removed.
Docker Secrets
The following secrets (defined in the base compose.yaml need to be created)
I recommend you create secrets with the following syntax:
Check out Traefik's info at Cloudflare Specific information:
echo -n '[email protected]' > cf_email echo -n 'CHANGEME-LONGAPI-CHANGEME' > cf_dns_api_token
Authentik specific (
echo -n 'authentik_db' > authentik_postgresql_db echo -n 'authentik_user' > authentik_postgresql_user openssl rand 36 | base64 -w 0 > authentik_postgresql_password openssl rand 60 | base64 -w 0 > authentik_secret_key
Create a gmail account and input the info.
echo -n '[email protected]' > gmail_smtp_username echo -n 'CHANGEME' > gmail_smtp_password
Go to in order to generate a free license key ( for use.
echo -n 'CHANGEME' > geoip_account_id echo -n 'CHANGEME' > geoip_license_key
Traefik Setup
I like having Traefik's configuration in a file, it makes more sense to me compared to passing a ton of command arguments in the compose.
- ./appdata/traefik/config/traefik.yaml
# Traefik 3.x (YAML)
# Updated 2024-June-04
# Global configuration -
checkNewVersion: false
sendAnonymousUsage: false
# Entrypoints -
address: ":80"
# Global HTTP to HTTPS redirection
to: websecure
scheme: https
address: ":443"
options: tls-opts@file
certResolver: le
- main: "domain.tld"
- "*.domain.tld"
# Cloudflare (
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
# Local IPs
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
# Logs -
level: INFO # Options: DEBUG, PANIC, FATAL, ERROR (Default), WARN, and INFO
filePath: /logs/traefik-container.log # Default is to STDOUT
# format: json # Uses text format (common) by default
noColor: false # Recommended to be true when using common
maxSize: 100 # In megabytes
compress: true # gzip compression when rotating
# Access logs -
addInternals: true # things like ping@internal
filePath: /logs/traefik-access.log # In the Common Log Format (CLF) by default
bufferingSize: 100 # Number of log lines
StartUTC: drop # Write logs in Container Local Time instead of UTC
- "204-299"
- "400-499"
- "500-599"
# API and Dashboard
dashboard: true
# Rely on api@internal and Traefik with Middleware to control access
# insecure: true
# Providers -
#endpoint: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" # Comment if using socket-proxy
endpoint: "tcp://socket-proxy:2375" # Uncomment if using socket proxy
exposedByDefault: false
network: traefik # network to use for connections to all containers
# defaultRule: TODO
# Enable auto loading of newly created rules by watching a directory
# Apps, LoadBalancers, TLS Options, Middlewares, Middleware Chains
directory: /rules
watch: true
# Let's Encrypt (ACME)
email: "[email protected]"
storage: "/data/acme.json"
#caServer: "" # Comment out when going prod
provider: cloudflare
#delayBeforeCheck: 30 # Default is 2m0s. This changes the delay (in seconds)
# Custom DNS server resolution
- ""
- ""
When traefik comes up and authenticates with Let's Encrypt a acme.json
will be created at
Rules / Middleware Preparation
I've included several of the rules
I use in my own setup located at
- ./appdata/traefik/rules
[!NOTE] The one that makes Authentik work is
. They are the exact same thing, but you can decide which name makes more sense to use. In thecompose.yaml
I am usingmiddlewares-authentik
, but to me it makes more sense to useforwardAuth-authentik
so when you are reading the traefik label's you know what it is supposed to do. Your choice.
Traefik is already proxying the connections to the Authentik container/service. Additional middleware rules and an embedded outpost must be configured to enable authentication with Authentik through Traefik, forwardAuth
In order to setup forwardAuth
at a minimum, Traefik requires a declaration. Authentik provides an example, but in accordance with the compose.yaml
the values below should make more sense.
# Middlewares (
# 2024 update:
# Dynamic configuration
# Forward Authentication - OAUTH / 2FA
address: "http://authentik_server:9000/"
trustForwardHeader: true
- X-authentik-username
- X-authentik-groups
- X-authentik-email
- X-authentik-name
- X-authentik-uid
- X-authentik-jwt
- X-authentik-meta-jwks
- X-authentik-meta-outpost
- X-authentik-meta-provider
- X-authentik-meta-app
- X-authentik-meta-version
The Forward Authentication WILL NOT work unless the middleware is enabled.
"Priority based on rule length" Authentik generates the priority for authentication based on rule length (Traefik label). This means if you have a rule (Traefik label) for Authentik to listen on multiple host names withOR, ||
statements, it will have a higher priority than the embedded outpost. Refer to goauthentik/authentik#2180 about setting the priority for the embedded outpost.
Bringing the Stack Online
Time to start up the stack and begin configuration. Ensure this command is ran from the same directory as compose.yaml
docker compose up -d
Authentik Setup
Because Authentik uses cookies, I recommend using Incognito for each piece of testing, so you don't have to clear cookies every time or when something is setup incorrectly.
While using a container behind Authentik, it prompts for authentication, and then flashes but doesn't load. This generally indicates cookies are messing up the loading. So use INCOGNITO.
Initial Setup
With Authentik being reverse proxied through Traefik and the middleware showing as enabled in Traefik's dashboard, then configuration of Authentik can begin.
- Navigate to Authentik at
- Login to Authentik to begin setup.
[!NOTE] If this is the first time logging in you will have to set the password for
(default user). If establishing the default credentials fails - the setup is not working correctly.
The default user is akadmin
, which is a super user. This initial setup will setup the Super User's email and Password. You will change the username FROM akadmin
to whatever you want.
The first screen you'll see after setting the password and email is:
(Optional) Change akadmin
You can change the username from akadmin
to whatever.
In the Admin Interface
go to
- Directory
- Users
- Click on Edit beside
(Information) Error Screen before Provider and Application
I think this is important for anyone that attempts to set this up.
If you attempt to navigate to a page that IS using Authentik's forwardAuth middleware but haven't finished setting up a provider and application (individual or domain wide catch all) then you will see a screen like this:
Applications / Providers
In the current version, for this documentation 2024.6.0
, Authentik now includes a Wizard to aid with setting up a Application and Provider instead of manually doing it.
I am going to set up my Individual Application
manually and the Domain Wide / Catch All
using the Wizard. ONLY to show how you can do either method, both work!
[!NOTE] I am using the embedded outpost. The embedded outpost requires version
or newer. This prevents needing the seperate Forward Auth / Proxy Provider container.
[!WARNING] Individual applications have a higher priority than the catch all, so you can set up both!
Domain Wide / Catch All (forwardAuth) using the Wizard
In order for this to "Catch All" you must set a traefik middleware on each service. Look inside the compose.yaml
. This specific snippet is from the whoami-individual
service inside the authentik/compose.yaml
Specifically the middlewares-authentik@file"
- "traefik.enable=true"
## HTTP Routers
- "traefik.http.routers.whoami-individual-rtr.rule=Host(`whoami-individual.${DOMAINNAME}`)"
## Middlewares
- "traefik.http.routers.whoami-individual-rtr.middlewares=middlewares-authentik@file"
Navigate to:
- Applications
- Applications
- "Create with Wizard"
Wizard Page 1 - "Application Details"
- Name:
Domain Wide Forward Auth Catch All
- Slug:
- Group:
- Policy Engine Mode:
- UI Settings:
- Launch URL:
Do NOT put anything in the Launch URL, it needs to autodetect since it's the catch all rule - Open in new tab:
- Launch URL:
Wizard Page 2 - "Provider Type"
- Forward Auth (Domain Level)
Notice the blue highlight underneath showing the selection!
Wizard Page 3 - "Provider Configuration"
- Name:
Provider for Domain Wide Forward Auth Catch All
- Authentication Flow:
This is user choice, I recommend getting the basics setup and THEN modifying authentication flow for the catch all - Authorization Flow:
default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent (Authorize Application)
Explicit requires user interaction aka clicking a button to continue versus implicit which is just trust - External Host:
- Cookie Domain:
- Token Validity:
When all is done, you should have success. If not, carefully review the previous settings. You most likely forgot https://
in front of authentik.domain.tld
Embedded Outpost (Domain Wide)
Navigate to the Outposts screen and edit the Embedded Outpost:
- Applications
- Outposts
- Edit the Embedded Outpost
Notice how the above picture has Providers
Update the Outpost to have the Domain Wide Forward Auth Catch All
in Selected Applications
AFTER Adding
Now the Embedded Outpost shows the Provider
for the Catch All rule instead of it being empty/blank:
Domain Wide / Catch All Test/Validation
Now that the catch all rule is in place, validate it using the already running whoami-catchall
container created:
Navigate to whoami-catchall.domain.tld
and it will immediately redirect you to Authentik to login:
Sign in with your username or email address initially created. After inputting username & password, it should show you the "Redirecting" screen prior to actual redirection:
The X-Authentik-Meta-App
will contain information about the specific Application used to get here. Notice that this matches the slug
previously created.
X-Authentik-Meta-App: domain-wide-forward-auth-catch-all
Individual Application (forwardAuth) manual
Maybe you don't want to use the wizard, though I'm not sure why. So here's how you can do it without the Wizard.
An Application specific Forward Auth configuration will allow different authentication flows to be selected and not disrupt the default domain authentication flow. For example the default domain authentication flow allows a user to authentication with Authentik using username/password only. An application specific could be used for app with additional security ie an OTP, or local networks only, etc.. In most cases the default authentication flow will serve most homelab uses.
As of version 2022.07.03 authentik still requires /
has an upcoming fix that should remove the below label.
Note: This does not seem to be required on everyone's setup. Individual Application forwardAuth does not work on mine without this label. I recommend you check your setup both with this label.
"providers/proxy: no exposed urls #3151" This PR greatly simplifies the Forward auth setup for traefik and envoy. It'll remove the requirement/
to be openly accessible, which makes setup easier and decreases attack surface.
This label is applied to the authentik_server
container. Even if you don't use individual applications, keep this label just in case you DO in the future!
- "traefik.enable=true"
## Individual Application forwardAuth regex (catch any subdomain using individual application forwardAuth)
- "traefik.http.routers.authentik-output-rtr.rule=HostRegexp(`{subdomain:[a-z0-9-]+}.${DOMAINNAME}`) && PathPrefix(`/`)"
Provider Creation (Individual Application) - Manual
In the Admin Interface, go to:
2. Applications
3. Providers
4. Create
Select Proxy Provider
Use the following settings:
- Name:
whoami-individual provider
- Authentication Flow:
This is user choice, I recommend getting the basics setup and THEN modifying authentication flow for the catch all - Authorization Flow:
default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent (Authorize Application)
- Type:
Forward auth (single application)
Single Application is where we change it up! - External Host:
- Token Validity:
After hitting Finish it will show that it's not bound to an Application:
Application Creation (Individual Application) - Manual
In the Admin Interface, go to:
- Applications
- Applications
- Create
- Name:
whoami-individual application
- Slug:
- Group:
- Provider:
whoami-individual provider
This is where you bind it to the previously created provider! - Backchannel Providers:
- Policy Engine Mode:
- UI Settings
- Launch URL:
Since this is an individual application, specify where it is found at
- Launch URL:
After hitting Create it will show that it is now bound to the previously created provider:
Embedded Outpost (Individual Application)
Navigate to the Outposts screen and edit the Embedded Outpost:
- Applications
- Outposts
- Edit the Embedded Outpost
Highlight any application you want the outpost to be able to provide for. In this case Highlight whoami-individual application
Notice that BEFORE highlighting and adding to Selected Applications, it still has only the Domain Wide Forward Auth Catch All
rule in Selected Applications:
This will include both the domain wide (catch all) and the individual application bound to this outpost.
After hitting Update the Outpost page will show that the embedded outpost now has both providers bound to it:
Individual Application Test/Validation
Now that the individual application rule is in place, validate it using the already running whoami-individual
container created:
Navigate to whoami-individual.domain.tld
and it will immediately redirect you to Authentik to login:
Sign in with your username or email address initially created. After inputting username & password, it should show you the "Redirecting" screen prior to actual redirection:
The X-Authentik-Meta-App
will contain information about the specific Application used to get here. Notice that this matches the slug
previously created.
X-Authentik-Meta-App: whoami-individual-application
(Optional) New User Creation
Inside the Admin Interface do the following steps to create an additional user:
- Directory
- Users
- Create
Fill in the required information:
(Optional) Add user to Administrator/Superuser Group
Inside the Admin Interface do the following steps to add a user to the Admins
- Directory
- Groups
- Left click/Open
authentik Admins
Next, add an existing user to the Users tab:
- Users
- Add existing user
Add the user
(Optional) Change user password
Inside the Admin Interface do the following:
- Directory
- Users
- Left click/Open the specific user
Read this section before just doing it!
To prevent locking yourself out and having to start over by deleting your postgres database, create a backup administrator (as done above) or work on a non-administrator account.
If you are unable to perform the below steps, skip to the Force Authentication section below.
Recommended to Switch to standard browser / NOT Incognito.
IF you are in the Admin Interface
navigate to the User Interface
via the button at the top left:
Navigate to the MFA Devices
- Settings
- MFA Devices
- Enroll
- WebAuthn device
Enrollment with Credential on Key
During setup process, depending on your WebAuthn settings you might get prompted for a PIN:
If you are unsure about this, then review the following Yubikey documentation / explanation (
If you are being prompted for a PIN (including setting one up), and you're not sure which PIN it is, most likely it is your YubiKey's FIDO2 PIN.
Now complete the WebAuthn Setup:
Hit next and you'll see that you are about to setup your key:
By performing the setup like this, it asks to create a credential on the Yubikey device itself. If you want to make it where it does NOT create the credential itself skip setup for now and go to theModify WebAuthn Credential Creation Location
section where I will show how to change the save credential to key option. After changing that option, you can revisit setup.
STOP - Read the Above Caution Statement before continuing!
If you're ok with creating the credential on your key, continue!
Modify WebAuthn Credential Creation Location
In order to modify the default settings to prevent saving a credential on the Yubikey itself perform the following steps.
- Go to the Admin Interface
- Flows and Stages
- Stages
- Edit
Review the default settings:
Edit the Resident key requirement
- Default:
Preferred: The authenticator can create and store a dedicated credential, but if it doesn't that's alright too
Unfortunately, if I try to skip the dedicated credential, I am unable to setup a Yubikey. I am going to set this option to:
- Modified:
Discouraged: The authenticator should not create a dedicated credential
(Optional) Edit the User verification
depending on your WebAuthn expertise.
I am leaving it default:
- Default:
Preferred: User verification is preferred if available, but not required
(Optional) Authenticator preference
Authentik by default has no preference set for the Authenticator, as shown in the above picture. This can be changed to be explicitly Yubikey
OR Windows Hello/TouchID
. If you do not want to be prompted by Windows Hello, as shown in the Windows Hello section, then set this to A "roaming" authenticator, like a YubiKey
Finish Registration
If you chose to NOT save your key on the Yubikey like above, then scroll back up to continue the registration / finish it.
(Troubleshooting) Windows Hello
During Security Key enrollment, if you are interrupted by Windows Hello shown here:
Press ESC
to continue to actual Yubikey enrollment. This only seems to happen if you have previously setup Windows Hello.
If you are prompted for a PIN that you do not know, go to theEnrollment with Credential on Key
section for the Yubikey documentation link to address the PIN. Optionally, you can also Force it to skip Windows Hello and go straight to the Yubikey by modifying thedefault-authenticator-webauthn-setup
, as seen in the(Optional) Authenticator preference
section above.
(Optional) Force Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
To configure an authentication a user must be in the state that forces them to add an authentication. In order to do this, I am going to modify the default flow for authentication regarding MFA devices.
- Go to the Admin Interface
- Flows & Stages
- Stages
- Edit
The initial settings for the default-authentication-mfa-validation
stage look like this:
Change the Device Classes
to what options you want you or other users to have (by default). I am only going to REMOVE static tokens.
Modify the Not configured action
to Force the user to configure an authenticator
- Default:
- Modified:
Force the user to configure an authenticator
After setting the Not configured action
to Force the user to configure an authenticator
it will unlock the Configuration stages
options as seen above.
This section, as it says right below it
Stages used to configure Authenticator when user doesn't have any compatible devices. After this configuration Stage passes, the user is not prompted again.
When multiple stages are selected, the user can choose which one they want to enroll.
- Select:
default-authenticator-totp-setup (TOP Authenticator Setup Stage)
- Select:
default-authenticator-webauthn-setup (WebAuthn Authenticator Setup Stage)
In order to highlight multiple, use the Shift
Hit Update
Open another INCOGNITO browser and navigate back to the whoami-individual
URL or authentik
's URL and sign in.
After entering the username/password a new window pop-up asks to select an authenticator method -- choose default-authenticator-webauthn-setup
. The following steps should match the Yubikey section above.
This will only give you this option if you did not previously register your Yubikey inside of the MFA devices.
Domain Wide (Tenet) Policies
View the Default Flows by going to the Admin Interface
- System
- Brands
- Edit
Expand down Default flows
Notice that the DEFAULT Authentication flow is default-authentication-flow (Welcome to authentik!)
Navigate to:
- Flows and Stages
- Flows
In order to view the default default-authentication-flow
Why does this matter? To understand the way YOU have this identity tool setup.
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Authentication];
B --> C[Authorization];
C --> D[Login];
Authentication default
By default the flow for all authentication, default-authentication-flow
, is as follows:
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Username];
B --> C[Password];
C --> D{MFA Configured?};
D -->|No| F[Login];
D -->|Yes| E[MFA Prompt<br>Forced];
E --> F;
Authorization defaults
There are two policies for authorization, explicit, default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent
, and implicit, default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent
. By default the explicit policy is used.
Explicit, default-provider-authorization-explicit-consent
, requires a pop-up showing that you accept your information is about to be shared with the site. This could be your email, username or whatever you have setup.
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Consent];
B --> C[Continue];
Implicit, default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent
, means that by logging in you accept your information (email or username, etc.) will be shared with the site, do not prompt, just continue through.
graph LR
A[Start] --> B[Continue];