The entire platform, client and server code, is open-source and its code is in this repo. However, self-deployment is not documented anywhere so it makes it hard for someone to...
Currently the only form of persistence across runs of a service is an (optional) database accessible via [Factory](https://docs.rs/shuttle-service/0.2.4/shuttle_service/trait.Factory.html). Maybe we could allow users to "persist" a serializable/deserializable object across runs...
Currently the deployment router at the edge will use the value of the `Host:` header to decide where to route requests and by default will only accept `my-project-name.shuttleapp.rs`. This is...
**Describe the bug** When running with, say `RUST_LOG=debug`, the call to [`indicatif::ProgressBar::finish_and_clear`](https://github.com/getsynth/synth/blob/9da1beaa036962b268526dae02f2439c4aa1eb29/synth/src/sampler.rs#L130) seems to be taking with it a line of logs and leave the remaining progress bar in its...
# Semantic detection PoC This defines a framework for more advanced, statistics based, ways of importing data into `synth`. This paves the way for more automation in the process of...
The `cargo shuttle run` command is used to create a local deployment of a project for testing. On making changes to the code of services, the only way to have...