@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

Results 213 issues of @brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

Sorry I fat fingered the Submit button, editing the description now. I really like the simplicity of this project compared to something like noflo. But noflo has proper HTTP in...

Survey from an outsider: I was wondering who is using this project and not in secret? _How many developers are actively supporting this platform?_ _How much commercial interest is out...

Type: Discussion

It is not 100% clear to me where to look for the existing documentation. Here is what I found so far: - - (looks important) - - other artiles on...

Looking through I get an impression that it should be possible to achieve some more flexibility by designing it to work with pluggable storage and backend connection drivers. If we...

**Issue Type** - [ ] Bug - [x] Feature Request **Priority** - [ ] Minor - [x] Major - [ ] Critical - [ ] Blocker **Environment** * OS: all...


I can see how there is a reference page for `config.xml` but don’t see a corresponding reference page for `package.json`. I think the reference page for Cordova-specific `package.json` fields is...

help wanted

I think this is frequently needed, non-trivial, and not very well documented. For example:

from this discussion: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/990

help wanted

Coming from the symptom from : > I get the same error. > > ![Captura de Tela 2020-06-17 às 17 05 02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20960016/84946825-ae6f6700-b0bf-11ea-922e-586636612a93.png) with explanation of the pitfall from : >...


**Issue Type** [x] Bug [ ] Feature Request **Priority** [ ] Minor [x] Major [ ] Critical [ ] Blocker **Environment** * OS: desktop * Browser: WebKit **Description** browser platform...
