@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
I recently discovered which looks like a simpler solution for "native storage of variables" on Android/iOS/Windows. Please add it to . I found it in a comment on , maybe...
This has been an issue with sqlite but I could see this becoming an issue with other plugins that get forked over time. It would be great if Cordova could...
If there is no www directory then Cordova CLI refuses to work. This causes an issue if the www directory should be generated by Webpack or some other tool. Cordova...
No direct link from https://dashboard.stryker-mutator.io Starting from https://stryker-mutator.io I had to follow one link to the handbook on GitHub and then find [dashboard.md](https://github.com/stryker-mutator/stryker-handbook/blob/master/dashboard.md). I would really favor some kind of...
https://dashboard.stryker-mutator.io/repos/brodybits - long scrollable list since I have over 400 forks I think it would be nice for the UX to be more easily searchable and to keep enabled repos...
Hey @ntegrals! I took a quick look through the code ... wonder if you could refactor some of the code in AssistantButton.tsx, move some into helper functions or even look...
I found (babel-plugin-rawact) last week, wonder if it could help support a similar programming API more efficiently?
I was able to start integrating this library into a Cordova/PhoneGap plugin ([[1]](https://github.com/phonegap-native-demo/cordova-plugin-syr-core-experimental)), with a quick demo in [[2]](https://github.com/phonegap-native-demo/cordova-native-demo). I had to apply a few hacks to get this project...
I noticed that while `coveralls` is used in Travis CI it would produce no extra output on a passing build (see GH-251 for passing "Node.js" build). I can think of...
I did not see any tests on the native side for Android or iOS. I think it would be good to add these, partially at least.