@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

Results 213 issues of @brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

I would love to see a unified plugin version that is supported. I am working on an update support fork for a major client. P.S. A bunch of updates are...

- Switch mutator which is now part of the conditional expression mutator but does not seem to be documented at this time (#20) - object literal mutator - mutator of...

good first issue

ref: PR #61 / issue #21: This would cause a regression in Prettier if we would update `@glimmer/syntax` or even reinstall @glimmer/[email protected] without a workaround in the package resolutions field,...

Thanks for the wonderful project! I am using it since it does not add Gulp or Grunt dependencies outside of testing. I also started a very simple CLI at: https://github.com/brodybits/node-php-serve...

TESTED in Travis-CI OK. Unsupported versions dropped due to known security issues. .travis.yml fixed with _some_ help from: - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22111549/travis-ci-with-clang-3-4-and-c11/30925448#30925448 - https://github.com/audreyt/node-webworker-threads/blob/master/.travis.yml#L15-L25

As reported by @knight9999 on Slack: if a file in `www` is updated to have the same size but an older timestamp compared to the corresponding file within `platforms` then...


[This thread on [email protected]](https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rffa20b7b310c753ce8d609750a82f657e77afb1a2bbb46d970fd84b0%40%3Cdev.cordova.apache.org%3E) led to a discussion with @erisu about the number of extra commits that would persist in master in case of a failed release. A simple solution...

For example: remove references to `amazon-fireos`, `bada`, `blackberry`, `ubuntu`, `firefoxos`, `qt`, `tizen`, `webos`, `wp8` platforms from sources such as: - `src/platform-release.js` - `src/repo-update.js` - `src/repoutil.js` - `src/versionutil.js` - `test/flagutil.test.js` Need...

### Platforms affected All ### What does this PR do? _TBD should be done more completely, in a separate PR:_ - fix usage messages _TODO: these items should be done...

Some important changes have been made recently, should be published. I hope to do this next week, cannot make any promise right now.