@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
The `addDataModelDocument` does not seem to be used by Cordova, not sure if any other major dependents use this function or not. I would personally favor moving `addDataModelDocument` & `simple-plist`...
ref: [[1]](https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/ios/#platform-centered-workflow) _(seems to be in very limited use)_ As discussed in and : - known to be broken on Android for a number of years - known to be...
I think @raphinesse and others have already put a major effort into this. I am raising this is an explicit issue in response to .
A decision was made in [Apache JIRA CB-12708 ([1])](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12708), back in 2017. At this point we would like to deprecate the following plugins and archive them on GitHub: - [...
Triggered by @ippeiukai in : > [...] behaviour of `source-file` is not documented, [...] it was working with `cordova-android@6` but no longer with `cordova-android@7`. > > [vaenow/cordova-plugin-app-update#119](https://github.com/vaenow/cordova-plugin-app-update/pull/119) > (Specifying a...
Nice suggestion by @j3k0 in that it should be possible for plugins to support breaking platform changes. Example by @j3k0, with edits by @brodybits: ```xml ``` Keep in mind that...
As discussed in: [[1]](https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/57c30b14df0dadaac1e9e99b2ff41ebdc1f6a118ff7142d24c6629e3@%3Cdev.cordova.apache.org%3E) INFRA should be able to do this if we can reach sufficient agreement. @jcesarmobile reminded me that we discussed this in the past. I recall there...
I found some in: - cordova-*/CONTRIBUTING.md - cordova-coho/docs/*.md
I find it really unfortunate that we have to use tooling to set Cordova platform versions in multiple places such as package.json, generated cordova.js, VERSION file, Android Gradle file, etc....
From discussion in #48 and some additional research ([[1]](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9080085/node-js-find-home-directory-in-platform-agnostic-way)) I discovered that `require('os').homedir()` is more portable than using `process.env.HOME` and sometimes `process.env.USERPROFILE` as I found in the following places: *...