@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
- move `extends: plugin:prettier/recommended` to top-level `.eslintrc.yml` - apply Prettier formatting to `lib` This is basically a continuation of the Prettier formatting that was already applied to `test` in merged...
from review of pr #28 I discovered that code is sometimes indented with only tabs and sometimes with a combination of tabs and spaces. Also at least one occasion of...
I discovered this in a custom `assert.skip` call in `test/html/normalize.test.js`. `new DOMParser().parseFromString('Hello, World ``` while `new DOMParser().parseFromString('
The existing `lib/sax.js` module seems to be needed for XMLReader which is used by dom-parser.js. From I am wondering if we could replace sax.js with a faster or better SAX...
The current usage example in the `readme.md` only shows how to import and use the DOM parser. We should also provide examples for the other main exports that are listed...
https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/pulls since the original repo is no longer supported - [x] https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/pull/236 => #168 - [x] https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/pull/207 => #181 - [ ] ... add a comment mentioning the PR you...
The changes related to bug #57 (broken ` ` functionality), and lack of coverage of `lib/entities.js` detected by Stryker (see PR #70), got me thinking if we could import and reuse...
__updated:__ I reconfigured by removing `stryker.conf.json` from my work area, running `npx stryker init` again, and re-patching `stryker.conf.json` with some of the configuration from the master branch. The reconfiguration gave...
We agreed that it makes sense to consistenly use template strings (using backticks) for XML snippets in our tests and examples. Since whitespace matters when parsing/serializing XML, they should not...
I think all entries in `test/.eslintrc.yml` should be moved to the top-level `.eslintrc.yml`, so that `test/.eslintrc.yml` can be removed: - `extends: 'plugin:prettier/recommended'` (as proposed in PR #129) - strict mode...