@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
Thanks @janpio. I would like to take another look at this as I think we do not want to support 8.1 any longer than absolutely needed. I am interested in...
> I think we want to replace `superspawn` invocations with [`execa`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/execa) invocations, not `cross-spawn`. Why not use [`execa`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/execa) and skip `cross-spawn`?
I am getting a bit confused here. and indicate to me that we should skip `cross-spawn` and use `execa` right away, while and indicate to me that we take a...
Thanks Raphael for the perfect disposition. Thanks Janpio for the clarification. I would like to make another motion to put execa into the title and description of either this issue...
Another rationale I gave in is that `superspawn` seems to return a non-standard Promise-like object that can also notify the listener of `stdout` and `stderr` data. I think getting rid...
Contribution of PR with test suite would be much appreciated. Maintainers have been completely overloaded. My apologies.
If we do this, it would need to be done very carefully as @NiklasMerz said in . I am actually not yet convinced to drop this functionality, downvoting my own...
I would add this to cordova-docs. It should be possible for this work to be included in the already sponsored project in apache/cordova-docs#1057.
Sounds right. Any ideas how we can keep these things tracked? I have a feeling that our documentation needs more attention in general, very hopeful that we can get help...
I would say that using local plugins is not supported functionality at this point. I do think that we should drop using dependencies from config.xml in a new major release...