@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

Results 311 comments of @brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody

Also any ideas for higher level app components analogous to ?

Really awesome, thanks guys!

Thanks @beckyconning. Considering that the `Jasmine2.0` branch was already abandoned (see [[1]](https://github.com/mhevery/jasmine-node#jasmine)), this proposal will probably not be integrated. [1]

I recently discovered enquirer which seems to offer this functionality already, all working on a single dependency on ansi-colors. It also offers really nice forms and snippets functionality. I think...

I just raised #55 to use PopupMenu on Windows.

Why not use an ES6 transpiler such as Babel JS?

Hi is there anything we can do to help get a new release with the PostCSS 8 update? PostCSS pre-8.0 will no longer be supported: https://github.com/postcss/postcss/issues/1574#issuecomment-859226586 Thanks in advance.

Just to play "devil's advocate": too many imported declarations *could* be a sign of a module that could be split into smaller module (ideally smaller modules that are functional:)

FYI I raised to show how we can respect the leading line break in each class body, as discussed in some of the comments above. (All tests pass in my...

I would actually favor another solution I gave in : > I would actually favor applying "solution 2" (opening brace on its own line) for all ES classes, regardless of...