@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
Thanks @adam-govan. I have a dumb question: can you explain the relationship between this issue and #47?
I think the following plugins should be moved into the list for further discussion: - [apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer](https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer) - this plugin may still be needed due to some possible issues with fetch...
Some more thoughts on my part: I would *personally* downvote integrating plugin functionality into the platforms due to increased complexity and potentially less flexibility. I would make an exception for...
Thanks @tryhardest, your comments are definitely valuable. Please accept my apologies for not responding anytime sooner. Our Apache Cordova maintenance team is mostly if not 100% unpaid volunteers, generally with...
Contribution would be much appreciated. I wonder if we can include this in apache/cordova-docs#1057.
I would actually downvote this idea (yes my own proposal!) for the following reasons: - Simpler idea would be to use JSDoc comments for strong static typing, as I proposed...
Hi @dball-adashi, that is the beauty of open-source! My one major criticism is that you seemed to have "borrowed" from a GPL licensed project. I think it should be obvious...
> The "borrowing" was effectively retyping in the list of ISA types that appear in an xcode project file and reviewing the members of a specific PBXObject interface that the...
> Should I assume [...] > > A) It will not be pulled back into apache/cordova-node-xcode I would not make that assumption 100%. I wold also be reluctant to confirm...
I just raised to document a few known quirks & issues: > * `npm install` inside `cordova-js` is needed to resolve a local grunt issue > * A Gradle file...