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Manage AWS MFA Security Credentials

Results 53 aws-mfa issues
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Trying to install via python and encounter the following errors. ![image]( This is on Mac OS 12.1 with Python 2.7.18

Upon debugging the issue, if we are not passing region explicitly - enpoint URL gets resolved for global. #endpoint_url = '' region_name = 'cn-north-1' If we provide region_name in boto3,...

Regarding the issue(, I changed the code. Since I tested when calling sts API without region vs with region. Boto3 resolved to the correct API endpoint when the region was...

* macOS 12.4 * pip3 install aws-mfa * WARNING: The script aws-mfa is installed in '/Users/martin/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH. My understanding is that this is installed only for...

In our environment, we auto generate a number of profiles and we use a comment # START of Generated Lines To separate out the generated profiles from the non-generated one....

At on `2022-05-11 at 16:43 GMT+1` I received ``` INFO - Your credentials are still valid for 1813.178155 seconds they will expire at 2022-05-11 16:11:37 ``` Which of course makes...

Current implementation has hardcoded AWS_CREDS_PATH. This patch modifies it to respect AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE if set, otherwise to default.

It appears there is no way to specify an [external ID]( when assuming a role. An attempt made on #51 but it would be nicer to support this directly from...

I would like to do: ``` aws-mfa --one-time-pass 123456 ``` Is this possible?

.aws directory not created after install with pip or git clone install ``` jon@jon-Inspiron-7391-2n1:~$ aws-mfa Could not locate credentials file at /home/jon/.aws/credentials, would you like to create one? [y/n]y Traceback...